Akins Accelerator Creator Suin BATFE


"Typical White Person"
Akins Accelerator Creator Suing BATFE


Only a few here might even be familiar with this. (Novus, RP)

Anyway this is a good thing and I hope Bill Akins wins.

Basically the Akins accelerator is a device that modifies your semi-automatic rifle to help the recoil of it pull the trigger. I helps your finger move faster so to speak.
The down and dirty is like this :
The inventor submitted one to the ATF to review and rule on it. They tested it and told him it was good to go and not considered a machine gun since in the definition of machine gun includes the words to the effect of firing multiple rounds with one trigger pull.

So he got the word from them it was good to go, he produced them and sold a bunch of them mostly for ruger 10/22s and some SKS's. Well then the ATF goes back on what they orginally told him and shut down his operation, making them illegal and making anyone that bought one turn it in.
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Novus Collectus

New Member
Yup, familiar with this illogic. YOu can have a hellfire device, you can bump fire, so how is the Akins different?

I don't think they sold the SKS version and I think they were still developing it when the last letter came through. I would have loved one for my SKS.

As I remember it, the ATF never made people return the devices sold, rather I think they said they just had to turn in the spring or some other internal part and they could keep the rest, but not sure if that was later changed.

I really hope they win before they run out of money for the lawyers. Hell, if Thompson Center can win a reversal of an ATF determination of what is a short barreled rifle, then so can Akins with this. Thompson had much more money though.


"Typical White Person"
Yup, familiar with this illogic. YOu can have a hellfire device, you can bump fire, so how is the Akins different?

I don't think they sold the SKS version and I think they were still developing it when the last letter came through. I would have loved one for my SKS.

As I remember it, the ATF never made people return the devices sold, rather I think they said they just had to turn in the spring or some other internal part and they could keep the rest, but not sure if that was later changed.

I really hope they win before they run out of money for the lawyers. Hell, if Thompson Center can win a reversal of an ATF determination of what is a short barreled rifle, then so can Akins with this. Thompson had much more money though.

You are right they made them turn in the spring. I thought the SKS version is what was tested by the ATF, maybe it was and was never sold to public though.

Novus Collectus

New Member
You are right they made them turn in the spring. I thought the SKS version is what was tested by the ATF, maybe it was and was never sold to public though.
I think both times the samples were inspected and maybe tested both times was the for the Ruger.22. The first time they said it was ok they later claimed was not properly functioning and that is why they changed their minds months (or year) later IIRC.

I forget the actual price, but I think the .22 Akins was something like one or two thousand dollars a piece. If I bought one of those and the ATF knew I had it making me turn in the spring, I would be pissed! Figured the ATF could have at least grandfathered them in somehow like the open bolt Mac 10/11 semi autos they later determined to be "machine guns".


"Typical White Person"
I think both times the samples were inspected and maybe tested both times was the for the Ruger.22. The first time they said it was ok they later claimed was not properly functioning and that is why they changed their minds months (or year) later IIRC.

I forget the actual price, but I think the .22 Akins was something like one or two thousand dollars a piece. If I bought one of those and the ATF knew I had it making me turn in the spring, I would be pissed! Figured the ATF could have at least grandfathered them in somehow like the open bolt Mac 10/11 semi autos they later determined to be "machine guns".

Yes, they were expensive, around $1k, but when the alternative is a "real auto" for $8k plus $200 maybe it was a deal.