Al Qaeda in Total Collapse in Iraq...............



Al Qaeda in Total Collapse in Iraq

Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year's mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military “created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight”. The terrorist group's security structure suffered “total collapse”.

These are the words not of al-Qaeda's enemies but of one of its own leaders in Anbar province — once the group's stronghold. They were set down last summer in a 39-page letter seized during a US raid on an al-Qaeda base near Samarra in November.

The US military released extracts from that letter yesterday along with a second seized in another November raid that is almost as startling.

That second document is a bitter 16-page testament written last October by a local al-Qaeda leader near Balad, north of Baghdad. “I am Abu-Tariq, emir of the al-Layin and al-Mashahdah sector,” the author begins. He goes on to describe how his force of 600 shrank to fewer than 20.

Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear' - Times Online


roaches will always be lurking,

I am glad to hear their Numbers are down ..... maybe Iraqis are finally tired of the Insurgency and killings .... although there will always be Sectarian Violence between Suni's and Shia's


Come on defeatocrats, nothing to say to good news?

Don't you have some liberal spin that says we can't ever win any war to spout?



nhboy, I'd actually rather hear what you personally have to say about the good news coming out of Iraq.

Do you think it is good news?

Or do you think it is bad news because it may undermine opposition to the war in Iraq and may be bad for the Democrats in the upcoming election?

Is it good that the current administration and our military may have done something well?

Again, not asking for cut and paste, but what is your opinion?


Ubi bene ibi patria
nhboy, I'd actually rather hear what you personally have to say about the good news coming out of Iraq.

Do you think it is good news?

Or do you think it is bad news because it may undermine opposition to the war in Iraq and may be bad for the Democrats in the upcoming election?

Is it good that the current administration and our military may have done something well?

Again, not asking for cut and paste, but what is your opinion?

Yes, I think it is good news.

I do not think it is bad news.

I do not think it will undermine opposition to the war nor will it harm the Democrats.

I think it is good that the current administration and our military may have done well.

My overall opinion is that this is good news.


nhboy, Thanks for the reply. Pithy, and of course I don't agree with all of it, but that is ok.

So, while I still disagree with you on most everything political, and I have given you a hard time in the past, I respect that you replied just the same.

And you may enjoy this. I was given red karma tonight, and if I read it correctly, I believe the person accused me of being an MPD of yours.

The Jena Six & Black... 02-16-2008 09:58 PM Your ................... is a dead giveaway. How many accounts have you created to bombard the forums with your inane bullsh*t?

Thought you might find that funny. I did. A few of the last threads I have started, you may have noticed, I emulated your style just to bust your balls a bit. Seems like it backfired.:lmao:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I'm all for leaving. If those people are not willing to do something for themselves about the situation we either need to leave, or truly occupy the country. As long as we are there in only limited numbers acting like some quasi police force then nothing is truly going to get accomplished and we need to go. I'm tired of fighting someone else's civil war and that's all we are doing.


No Use for Donk Twits
The Iraqi parliament has passed a bill allocating oil revenues to the provinces (I was going to be sarcastic but it's Sunday), and given the provinces more autonomy. That's political progress that's been lacking.