Al Sharpton for President?!?!


New Member
Let me tell ya something, I am SO excited about the reverend's candidacy. It is about time that he stood up!

(sarcasm just dripping from me) In a recent poll, over half of the Democratic respondents stated that they would NEVER under any circumstance vote for Al Sharpton to be the nominee. His views are not indicative of the Democratic Party as a whole and he has no chance of winning the nod.


Asperger's Poster Child
inserting himself into racial controversies in New York in the 1980s and '90s

Sharpton earned a reputation, as one publication put it, of being a "rabble-rousing racial ambulance chaser."

I'm glad the Post got that stuff into the article. People like Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers gave their lives to fight racism, and Sharpton is doing everything he can to destory their work.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by demsformd
Let me tell ya something, I am SO excited about the reverend's candidacy. It is about time that he stood up!

(sarcasm just dripping from me) In a recent poll, over half of the Democratic respondents stated that they would NEVER under any circumstance vote for Al Sharpton to be the nominee.

Over half????:yikes: That leaves almost half of the Democratic Party supporting the guy??


I'm seriously thinking about changing my political affiliation to Democrat for the sole reason of voting for Sharpton in the Primary. I think that would be a lot more fun than just voting for Bush in the Republican primary.


My Sweetest Boy
Interesting article...

Originally posted by otter
He'll withdraw soon, Hillary is already playing hardball....see it here

As a side note, I have a hard time with the words "Hillary," "playing" and "ball" used in the same sentence.:lmao:


He sure makes for some great entertainment though, I sure hope he stays in the race for a while.

If only Jerry Falwell would run too.....


Football season!
Al sharpton running for president? Whats next? The republicans letting a man run for office? :biggrin:

Settle down people and wipe the spit off the monitor. I was only joking..


I would really suspect other democrats first, after all AL can hurt them more than help them in my opinion.


endangered species
My list of possibilities, in order of likelihood:

1. Crazy skinhead racist redneck
2. Al left the bong unattended
3. Al trying to gain persecution capital


Yea Al or his camp doing it themselves is another possibility. After all Id say a fairly large portion of fires are set by the owners of the property for insurance reasons, in this case it could just be some ammunition.

Maybe he is just after that 1% of the vote to start his own political party and get federal matching funds (which by the way I dont think my tax money should pay for anyones campaign).