Al, you impoverished preacher you...


OK, first of all I didn't think Sharpton had a real job, but where the heck did he get $100K to pay back the matching funds he didn't deserve because he alreay spent $110K of his own money?

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Botha's and Sista's, to quote lady libery's famous words ; Gimme your tens your twenties your plastic Visa's.


This Space for Rent
My favorite part about it was how he says it shows he never did fraudulent or other misdeeds with his campaign money that Republicans say he did. All they were looking into was him taking federal dollars. They weren't investigating if the misused his other money. Class Sharpton... suffer a loss but make it a win. :lmao:

Sharpton said the deal proves his critics wrong, particularly those who had claimed he was misusing campaign funds to stay at expensive hotels.

"I was right to begin with and I still say I'm right," Sharpton said in an interview. "The victory here is that all these right-wing people were saying I had done something wrong to get the funds and the FEC didn't say that."

Actually, AL, they did say you did something wrong to get some of those funds. You shouldn't have asked for them in the first place. :lol:


Lovin' being Texican
Pete said:
OK, first of all I didn't think Sharpton had a real job, but where the heck did he get $100K to pay back the matching funds he didn't deserve because he alreay spent $110K of his own money?

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Botha's and Sista's, to quote lady libery's famous words ; Gimme your tens your twenties your plastic Visa's.

We all know that Jesse would just sue the Federal Government or use race-intimidation to extort "reparations" from his commercial enemy-list.

Carole Mosely-Braun kept a few million of her Presidential war chest by not racking up debts (no expensive travel/hotels, no expensive call-girls, no speeches, no message, etc)

I expect the sudden interest to have Al on liberal talk shows has something to do with his demands for performance "fees" and using that forum to seek more "love offerings" (not of the mucosal lining kind).


What is ironic is Sharpton the "candidate, champion of the poor and impoverished" was touring as Sharpton the "reverend" and scamming his own people, the poor, the impoverished and the down trodden, to finance his publicity stunt. Nothing screams IRONY ALERT more than talking Martha Jean into sending half her collard green money to Sharpton as a "love offering" so he could stay at the Hilton and eat caviar and get a deep muscle massage before a big speach to 30 screaming supporters.

Another thing is that his "campaign fund" is still $500,000 in debt. How could anyone but a total rapscallion who knows he has NO CHANCE WHAT SO EVER continue to burn through other peoples money to the tune of $500,000+ in debt? Al wants to rail against "The Man keeping you down!" Funny thing HE IS THE MAN! :lmao:


How does a man who's suppossed to support the poor and working class go to work selling auto loans? The article from the post failed to state the real issue with these loans, that being that poor, desperate, people put up the title to their car for a loan that's worth about 10% of its value, then get hit with interest and a renewal fee. Since most of these poor folks can't afford to pay more than the renewal fee they can pay thousands more than what they borrowed.


Bruzilla said:
How does a man who's supposed to support the poor and working class go to work selling auto loans? The article from the post failed to state the real issue with these loans, that being that poor, desperate, people put up the title to their car for a loan that's worth about 10% of its value, then get hit with interest and a renewal fee. Since most of these poor folks can't afford to pay more than the renewal fee they can pay thousands more than what they borrowed.
The article did mention that the typical interest rate can approach 300% APR. Just what Rufus and Juanita need, a 300% APR loan on the title of their 1981 Cavalier. :rolleyes:

Friend of the working man my ass. He is a predator


It does mention the interest rate, which a 300% rate is bad enough, but that's not the real problem. When someone gets one of these loans they have to pay back the principal plus the interest, and as always the interest gets paid back first. Usually the folks have the interest paid off over two months, but they don't have enough to pay back the principal.

A friend of my sons got a loan for $800 on an $10,000 car title. He had to pay back a monthly renewal fee of $100, plus $100 in interest each month for the first three months. So for three months he paid back $600, and still owes $800. After the first three months he can end the loan by paying back the balance ($800) or he can extend the loan by paying the $100 fee each month. He's been paying that fee for seven months now because he can't afford to pay more than $100 a month since he's one of Sharpton's Poor Working Class folks that he loves. So he's paid $600 in interest and fees, plus another $700 in fees, and still owes $800!!! This is why these loans are so insidious. On top of everything else if he misses one renewal payment the loan defaults immediately and the loaner takes the car. So he's out $1,400 plus the $10,000 the car is worth, plus his means of getting to work, all over $800. Talk about feeding off the needs of the poor.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
:yeahthat: Lamest ads you ever saw (next to Eastern Motors) :killingme
I always wondered if that was one reason Arrington sat on the bench. Eastern Motors and Joe Gibbs morals don't compute.