
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I wish I had written my prediction of this one! Just didn't get around to it. Notre Dame's close calls and the idea that they'd be any more than an also ran if they played in the SEC was the basis of my view on who would win.

However, that's not my point here. My point is this post victory talk on sports radio and TV of Alabama being able to not just compete but, to beat some NFL teams including but not limited to Steve Spurrier, whom I always liked.

This is simply silly. Alabama has a few kids every year that go to the pro's. Some even become starters and stars. However, EVERY team in the NFL, from the Chiefs to the Patriots, is filled from top to bottom with people who might not have been THE star at Alabama but, would most certainly beat out anyone on the team who was NOT THE star and, conversely the vast majority of Alabama players, ever year, will not even play special teams in the NFL let alone start. Alabama would be doing well to make a first down, one, against an NFL team or to hold an NFL team to a FG once in awhile.

I just wanted to point that out. :buddies:


They're out to get us
Perfect example. Sanchez was all everything in school. Now, well, look at him.

He played in the Pac 10. Every QB is good in the Pac 10 because they play against zone coverage and the receivers have a 10 yard buffer before they are even covered. It's pathetic. SEC plays NFL style bump and run. Nobody else does.

I don't know if Bama could beat an NFL team on a bad day, probably not, but they could win maybe one in a hundred at least.

Notre Dame being in the title game is an indictment on the current system. They played a below average schedule, didn't have to win a conference, and were allowed to play for a title. They should be banned from the post season if they don't join a conference.


not impressed
He played in the Pac 10. Every QB is good in the Pac 10 because they play against zone coverage and the receivers have a 10 yard buffer before they are even covered. It's pathetic. SEC plays NFL style bump and run. Nobody else does.

I don't know if Bama could beat an NFL team on a bad day, probably not, but they could win maybe one in a hundred at least.

Notre Dame being in the title game is an indictment on the current system. They played a below average schedule, didn't have to win a conference, and were allowed to play for a title. They should be banned from the post season if they don't join a conference.
