Alergy drugs...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...anyone got some heavy equipment or machinery they'd like operated?

This is kinda kewl...I have an elevated sense of awareness; awareness that I am in a semi dream state where my perception of just how comfortable crocs are has intersected with a real desire to talk with my siblings about what a hoot our parents are. And my tax extension is getting done which feels kinda groovy, too. Dry mouth, though. And a slight tickle up and down my legs. Could I be Chris Mathews? Could you be Barack Obama? My fingers tingle too. Maybe shoot some trap this afternoon? Did I mention my plot to stick my baby sister with four peeps at Easter, real baby chickens, for my neice and nephew, totally blew up in my face and now I have ####ing chickens??? Best laid plans...drat....

Maybe I'll go for a ride and clip some SUV and see how many EMT's I can get to respond to the scene? I haven't had any broken bones in over a year.
