All Kinds Vet



They did a really nice thing for my beloved friend picasso. He was put to sleep 1 week and 4 days ago. Today I got a nice thing in the mail they sent me his pawprint in a heart with his name on it.


happy to be living
They did a really nice thing for my beloved friend picasso. He was put to sleep 1 week and 4 days ago. Today I got a nice thing in the mail they sent me his pawprint in a heart with his name on it.

The Solomons Vet does the same thing. It is a nice touch.
Sorry about Picasso :poorbaby:


Frequentflier I am doing OK I guess. I still miss him dearly though and it will take me some time to get over him being put to sleep.


Well-Known Member
They did a really nice thing for my beloved friend picasso. He was put to sleep 1 week and 4 days ago. Today I got a nice thing in the mail they sent me his pawprint in a heart with his name on it.

OMG that made me tear up. :huggy:


New Member
I still think about the furbabies I've lost over the years and miss them dearly still.

Picasso was lucky in that he had you to love him, care for him and be with him when he needed you the most.