All states should follow suit

Nanny Pam

I say , turn the offender over to the Mother &/or Father of the child.
Let the parents stab his balls with pins, until he is dead! Effen bastardo's.


Well-Known Member
Hell, just put in 'em some of the nastier prisons with a *brand* on their face or hand - and let them get justice from their fellow inmates.


It Wasn't Me
Awesome idea, shame it has to be twice though, so they can do it once and do some jail time, they should be hung for a first offence.


wandering aimlessly
Hawk said:
Awesome idea, shame it has to be twice though, so they can do it once and do some jail time, they should be hung for a first offence.
I agree with death on the first offense, but I really like Nanny Pam's idea of letting the parents have first shot at dispensing justice.


New Member
Seriously, who wants to sign their kid up to be second in line before the offender gets the gas? Is the first child's pain and suffering not enough? Two lives have to be ruined before we put one waste of skin to death?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Nanny Pam said:
I say , turn the offender over to the Mother &/or Father of the child.
Let the parents stab his balls with pins, until he is dead! Effen bastardo's.
No, the freak would probably get off on that.