Is anyone having a lot of trouble with their contact lenses because of allergies?
I have had to wear my glasses for the past week because my eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses. 

You may want to get checked out to ensure you don't have an underlying infection preventing you from wearing your contacts... or a flesh eating amoeba.Is anyone having a lot of trouble with their contact lenses because of allergies?I have had to wear my glasses for the past week because my eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses.
You may want to get checked out to ensure you don't have an underlying infection preventing you from wearing your contacts... or a flesh eating amoeba.
Is anyone having a lot of trouble with their contact lenses because of allergies?I have had to wear my glasses for the past week because my eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses.
Is anyone having a lot of trouble with their contact lenses because of allergies?I have had to wear my glasses for the past week because my eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses.
Is anyone having a lot of trouble with their contact lenses because of allergies?I have had to wear my glasses for the past week because my eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses.
What do you mean by "eyes wouldn't cooperate with the lenses."?
What is the exact problem?
Are your lenses hurting your eyes?
You can't focus?
Is it with both eyes or just one of them?