allergies :(


Dream Stealer
The pollen must be awful this year or something, because it is really bothering me (and my little monster:ohwell:) and I usually don't have too much trouble..

I am not "sick", as in, I don't have a cold or nasel congestion or anything really but a totally obnoxious cough..I sound like a goose:jameo: my throat and ears itch so bad I wanna scream

what works? Clariten doesn't seem to have any effect at all, and cough drops aren't helping either, I just cough through them. The only thing that seems to be useful is benedryl and that stuff knocks me out, I don't dare take it during the day, and I don't want to at night because Its just me and the baby and I don't wanna be drugged up like that without someone else there..

I need something for me, and is there anything allergy wise they give to babies? (she's nearly 1) I may call the doctor if it goes on much longer for her, but I am curious..I don't want to give her things to treat symptoms (i got her this far without meds, dont wanna start now) but maybe something to help her be a little less miserable if it continues on too long..(she has the same cough I do, but that appears to be it besides her red little eyes)


curiouser and curiouser
Alavert. My BFF has had terrible allergies for a long time and she swears by this (she's a nurse and basically had a doctor force her to take it :lmao:). She gets the generic at Target, and I picked some up last year on her recommendation. I actually haven't had any issues yet this year. Usually I get really itchy eyes, but I just have a bit of a sniffly nose and that's it. And there are flowering trees in bloom all over my neighborhood right now.


curiouser and curiouser
Alavert. My BFF has had terrible allergies for a long time and she swears by this (she's a nurse and basically had a doctor force her to take it :lmao:). She gets the generic at Target, and I picked some up last year on her recommendation. I actually haven't had any issues yet this year. Usually I get really itchy eyes, but I just have a bit of a sniffly nose and that's it. And there are flowering trees in bloom all over my neighborhood right now.
I'll add that you have to take it every day for it to actually work.


Hot Flash

Nothing has ever worked for me and it seems the side effects are worse than the suffering.

I don't know what to suggest for your monster but a neti-pot might help relieve your symptoms.


New Member
Never had allergies until I moved here. Only thing that helps some is the netty pot. I do it twice a day. The Mr. is home suck today because his all congested. Hes never sick and hes being the biggest baby ever.... lol!


New Member
Never had allergies until I moved here. Only thing that helps some is the netty pot. I do it twice a day. The Mr. is home suck today because his all congested. Hes never sick and hes being the biggest baby ever.... lol!


Dream Stealer
Never had allergies until I moved here. Only thing that helps some is the netty pot. I do it twice a day. The Mr. is home suck today because his all congested. Hes never sick and hes being the biggest baby ever.... lol!


Nothing has ever worked for me and it seems the side effects are worse than the suffering.

I don't know what to suggest for your monster but a neti-pot might help relieve your symptoms.

I have tried a neti pot over a dozen times..I cannot seem to get the hang of all I end up with is a soaking wet bathroom/shirt/mirror and I'm still miserable :lmao:

Took some pseuphedrine today..that helped relieve the itching. But I still feel crappy..its moved into my sinuses. I hate this ####. Must be bad because of the warm winter or something.


New Member
I have tried a neti pot over a dozen times..I cannot seem to get the hang of all I end up with is a soaking wet bathroom/shirt/mirror and I'm still miserable :lmao:

Took some pseuphedrine today..that helped relieve the itching. But I still feel crappy..its moved into my sinuses. I hate this ####. Must be bad because of the warm winter or something.

Hope you feel better. :buddies: <------- that's dayquil not beer in the!