

Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I've heard this song for close to fifty years now and Target just started using it on their commercials. I've never thought about what it meant until now so I looked it up, it is one weird song when you know the words.
English translation is in blue, parentheses are repeated lines.

Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, je te plumerai
Lark, I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai la tête
I shall pluck your head
(Je te plumerai la tête)
(I shall pluck your head)
Et la tête
And your head
(Et la tête)
(And your head)
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark
Alouette, je te plumerai
Lark, I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
(Je te plumerai le bec)
(I shall pluck your beak)
Et le bec
And your beak
(Et le bec)
(and your beak)
Et la tête
And your head
(Et la tête)
(And your head)

So the whole song is about plucking a bird.


Methodically disorganized
:lol: I had to look this up also. Not such a fun kids' song after learning the meaning.


Hot Flash
4 & 20 blackbirds baked in a pie :cds:

ring around the rosie....:whistle:

found a peanut:whistle:

Gosh our parents taught us some morbid stuff! :lol:

They certainly did.

I like to think I didn't pass it along.

Rosie is probably the worst one and one we played most on the playground.