Allright People! Making a list


New Member
Never mind, A list wont work, I have tried it all, everything a depressed woman should do, except now I just live with it, havent tried that.
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Harley Rider
Forget the pills & pot! You need to go out and perform a service to or for someone. It seems to me that you're bored and have no purpose/direction for your life. Find some organization or group that needs volunteer help and get involved, I can assure you that you'll feel better and more fulfilled. Make sure it's something that YOU want and like to do. If you like to work with kids, come and help us on Friday nights at MBP in Waldorf. We always need help.


New Member
Forget the pills & pot! You need to go out and perform a service to or for someone. It seems to me that you're bored and have no purpose/direction for your life. Find some organization or group that needs volunteer help and get involved, I can assure you that you'll feel better and more fulfilled. Make sure it's something that YOU want and like to do. If you like to work with kids, come and help us on Friday nights at MBP in Waldorf. We always need help.

That's a good suggestion.


Forget the pills & pot! You need to go out and perform a service to or for someone. It seems to me that you're bored and have no purpose/direction for your life. Find some organization or group that needs volunteer help and get involved, I can assure you that you'll feel better and more fulfilled. Make sure it's something that YOU want and like to do. If you like to work with kids, come and help us on Friday nights at MBP in Waldorf. We always need help.

Good post!


aka Mrs. Giant
What type of depression have you been diagnosed with? Do you have additional anxieties and disorders?

Number one, I think you should call your counselor, but if you don't want to, I suggest you google for support groups who have been where you are right now. That way you can chat with people who understand and are willing to give you valid working advice, and to listen to you.

Here, I found this link that may at least point you in the right direction:
Depression - Online Support Groups: Effective Support in Your Pajamas

The people online here at SoMd aren't going to be able to help you, no matter how sincere their advice is. You need people who understand. :huggy: Good luck to you.


Ummmmm ....
I think that there's no help for you. You're constantly complaining about everything under the sun ....

For a change to take place, you need to want to change. Period. Yes, anti-depressants and medicines will help you for a while ... but it seems like you're content being miserable and complaining about everything.

Try to stop complaining ... try to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Go out and exercise, take up a new hobby, focus on things that YOU want to do that you think might make you happy.


I think that there's no help for you. You're constantly complaining about everything under the sun ....

For a change to take place, you need to want to change. Period. Yes, anti-depressants and medicines will help you for a while ... but it seems like you're content being miserable and complaining about everything.

Try to stop complaining ... try to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Go out and exercise, take up a new hobby, focus on things that YOU want to do that you think might make you happy.

Depression is so subjective and so is it's treatment but you are so right, no amount of medicine is going to cure someone if they are not willing to change.

Crab, did you just get married or am I thinking of someone else?


Never mind, A list wont work, I have tried it all, everything a depressed woman should do, except now I just live with it, havent tried that.

First get in touch with a really good councelor, Carol Marcy and Sheila Colicot from Joy Lane Healing Center are great.

Second, get rid of the alcohol, treat your body well, eat only things your body needs, drink plenty of water

Third, get out, get excercise. This is very important. Just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression.

If you only do one of these things please let it be the first.


New Member
I think that there's no help for you. You're constantly complaining about everything under the sun ....

For a change to take place, you need to want to change. Period. Yes, anti-depressants and medicines will help you for a while ... but it seems like you're content being miserable and complaining about everything.

Try to stop complaining ... try to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Go out and exercise, take up a new hobby, focus on things that YOU want to do that you think might make you happy.

Great post, I agree she does tend to complain a bit much, I just think she is unhappy with life period and nothing is going to help her out.
I honestly think she likes the drama.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Hey wait...isn't you hubbs buying a new bike? :eyebrow:

Just kidding. I know you just wanted the bigger bike. :lol:

Naah. We gave up on that. I want a bigger bike though. I did take MINE up and down the hood today. I haven't been on it in 3 weeks, so I felt like playing today.
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Ummmmm ....
Second, get rid of the alcohol, treat your body well, eat only things your body needs, drink plenty of water

Drinking alcohol while depressed is one of the stupidest things that you can do. Why drink a downer/depressant when you're already upset? It's only going to make things worse .... And it clearly states on any bottle of anti-depressants that you should not drink alcohol while taking the medicine.