
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Every time I've been to FedEx, maybe a dozen games spanning Norv, Marty, Steve and now Gibbs II, there is an instantly evident carnival atmosphere, from when you're pulling up, to when you get parked and onward. It's a big azz party.

Not yesterday.

Yesterday there was an underlying sense of, in one word, fear. Fear of getting up for this, of hopes for the playoffs, of our Joe returning us all to glory, fear of it all coming down in a mangled heap at the hands of the damnable Cowboys. Not run for your lives fear but "we have top face this to go where we want' fear. Get back on the horse fear. To love again fear. To beleive again fear.

We got to our seats an hour before game time and all the Cowboy fans were running their mouths 100 mph. Two guys in particular;

"This is OUR house! We're gonna make this OUR house! Be careful for what you Redskins fans wish for! You got us, you ain't gonna like what you get!"

Now, in days gone by, this would have been met with an overwhelming fusilade of "Cowboys suck!" and "yer ass is OURS!"

There was some resistance but, they were having their way. As a whole, there was not the usual boldness and equal bragadocio to predict an ass whoopin or a blow out or even a victory. Hell, we were all privately and quietly praying we'd at least put up a good fight and have a chance at the end. We knew we were in for the game of the year, if not the last 5 years and there was a resolution, I guess, that there was work to be done before ANY celebrating would be in order.

I don't know how it came across on TV but all this manifested itself from when the Skins took the field to when they left for the day some 3 hours later, the crowd was relentless. I have NEVER experienced this kind of sustained intensity. No one, NO ONE in that cavernous stadium, sat down while play was going on ALL game. The first time my section sat AT ALL was a TV timeout late in the second quarter. As soon as the teams broke huddle, back to our feet and screaming.

No 'would you please sit?" No 'down in front". This was what I was begging for; NO LET UP. Score? Score again. Then again. Well, that's what the crowd did. There was this tangible desire and fear to NOT let up, to NOT let them have a chance, not a prayer, to will the Skins to play flatout to win, every play. Everytime the Skins responded by making a play, it just fed on itself,
we'd cheer harder.

Dallas did not play bad per se. Yes, their O line injuries were obvious and yes Bledsoe was rattled but they played hard and ran hard and hit hard until well into the 4th quarter.

On our second TD, I couldn't tell who ran it on 1st down and I couldn't see who stuffed him but I was right in line with the play, help? POW!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, those poor Cowboy fans didn't have a damn thing to cheer about, nothing, all game and they actually took it like good sports. Some of our fans, sad to say, crossed the line some, though. No class.

That's all I got for now because I gotta make some bacon this morning.

Last thought; Whenever there's a game like this, a good or great win, TV or live, I can't wait until the paper next morning to re-live it blow by blow because it jogs the memory. I was stone cold sober yesterday but it became a screaming, jumping up and down fist pumping euphoric blurr and it's all coming back in bits and pieces.

I'll be back...

Hey Giants? Ready?


"Typical White Person"
That is awesome there are atleast 3 people at work this AM with no voice..... needless to say I don't have to ask what it came from.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Every time I've been to FedEx, maybe a dozen games spanning Norv, Marty, Steve and now Gibbs II, there is an instantly evident carnival atmosphere, from when you're pulling up, to when you get parked and onward. It's a big azz party.

Not yesterday.

Yesterday there was an underlying sense of, in one word, fear. Fear of getting up for this, of hopes for the playoffs, of our Joe returning us all to glory, fear of it all coming down in a mangled heap at the hands of the damnable Cowboys. Not run for your lives fear but "we have top face this to go where we want' fear. Get back on the horse fear. To love again fear. To beleive again fear.

We got to our seats an hour before game time and all the Cowboy fans were running their mouths 100 mph. Two guys in particular;

"This is OUR house! We're gonna make this OUR house! Be careful for what you Redskins fans wish for! You got us, you ain't gonna like what you get!"

Now, in days gone by, this would have been met with an overwhelming fusilade of "Cowboys suck!" and "yer ass is OURS!"

There was some resistance but, they were having their way. As a whole, there was not the usual boldness and equal bragadocio to predict an ass whoopin or a blow out or even a victory. Hell, we were all privately and quietly praying we'd at least put up a good fight and have a chance at the end. We knew we were in for the game of the year, if not the last 5 years and there was a resolution, I guess, that there was work to be done before ANY celebrating would be in order.

I don't know how it came across on TV but all this manifested itself from when the Skins took the field to when they left for the day some 3 hours later, the crowd was relentless. I have NEVER experienced this kind of sustained intensity. No one, NO ONE in that cavernous stadium, sat down while play was going on ALL game. The first time my section sat AT ALL was a TV timeout late in the second quarter. As soon as the teams broke huddle, back to our feet and screaming.

No 'would you please sit?" No 'down in front". This was what I was begging for; NO LET UP. Score? Score again. Then again. Well, that's what the crowd did. There was this tangible desire and fear to NOT let up, to NOT let them have a chance, not a prayer, to will the Skins to play flatout to win, every play. Everytime the Skins responded by making a play, it just fed on itself,
we'd cheer harder.

Dallas did not play bad per se. Yes, their O line injuries were obvious and yes Bledsoe was rattled but they played hard and ran hard and hit hard until well into the 4th quarter.

On our second TD, I couldn't tell who ran it on 1st down and I couldn't see who stuffed him but I was right in line with the play, help? POW!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, those poor Cowboy fans didn't have a damn thing to cheer about, nothing, all game and they actually took it like good sports. Some of our fans, sad to say, crossed the line some, though. No class.

That's all I got for now because I gotta make some bacon this morning.

Last thought; Whenever there's a game like this, a good or great win, TV or live, I can't wait until the paper next morning to re-live it blow by blow because it jogs the memory. I was stone cold sober yesterday but it became a screaming, jumping up and down fist pumping euphoric blurr and it's all coming back in bits and pieces.

I'll be back...

Hey Giants? Ready?

Oh ye of little faith, it was a foregone conclusion that it was gonna be a blowout Skins win once you and I picked the Cowboys on the weekly picks. :lmao:

Fantastic win, but everyone should remember that all teams have at least one performance yearly where they are totally out of sync like the boys yesterday. The boys aren't as bad as yesterdays shellacking, just like the skins aren't as bad as the 36-0 drubbing they took from the Giants 6 or 7 weeks ago.

O-line was great yesterday, as they have been over the past few weeks. Losing Randy Thomas for the rest of the season is huge,tho. D-line probably had their best game in years, tons of pressure even when there wasn't a blitz on.

Nice to have meaniful games in late December again, its been awhile.


But wait, there's more...
otter said:
Oh ye of little faith, it was a foregone conclusion that it was gonna be a blowout Skins win once you and I picked the Cowboys on the weekly picks. :lmao:
:shocking: TRAITORS! :lmao:


Nothing to see here
crabcake said:
:shocking: TRAITORS! :lmao:

Not sure about Larry, but my picking sucks big time this year, so it was done for cause. I gladly picked the cowboys since it probably meant that the cowboys would lose huge.


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otter said:
Not sure about Larry, but my picking sucks big time this year, so it was done for cause. I gladly picked the cowboys since it probably meant that the cowboys would lose huge.
:yeahthat: I started to pick the cowboys AND make it my 5 point pic to ensure a win but I could not come to contract terms with Snyder.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
Not sure about Larry, but my picking sucks big time this year, so it was done for cause. I gladly picked the cowboys since it probably meant that the cowboys would lose huge.

Skins win? Me happy.

Skins lose? Me get 1 point. Me happier than I otherwise would be.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

camily said:
Now I'm really excited for my son to go Saturday!

BEWARE: One thing you have to know and accept IF you are going to let him go to the game:

He will be surrounded by numerous people who are visibly drunk and verbally abusive to the refs and Giants.

I mean like this gem from some clown behind us yesterday:

"I hate the ####ing Cowboys! You mother####ers suck ####!" My 16 year old that that was one of the funnier things she's ever heard.

Now, with a child as young as yours, all your brother has to do is ask for a little consideration and almost always the offender will apologize, be duly chastized by his friends who suddenly notice he's crossed the line and watch it for the rest of the game. "You stupid ####er! (hic) Watch your ####ing mouth! There's ####ing kids here, dick head! (hic) Hey! BEER MAN????!!"

Some other azzhat can be counted on as well to come shinning through later on.

The play "Rock and Roll part II" all the time and it goes...

nah na naaaaaaa na (pause) crowd (You Suck!) and so forth.

You've been warned.

I have NEVER seen any physical violence there, BTW. Just happy, mouthy drunks who get a little surly here and there.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
My dad and I were at the end of the field were Cooley scored, not one, but two of his THREE TDS. My dad has been to about twenty games from RFK to FedEx but NEVER got to a Dallas v. Washington game. Well, merry christmas dad, happy b-day kom and thank you Washington Redskins and the fans!


Larry Gude said:
BEWARE: One thing you have to know and accept IF you are going to let him go to the game:

He will be surrounded by numerous people who are visibly drunk and verbally abusive to the refs and Giants.

I mean like this gem from some clown behind us yesterday:

"I hate the ####ing Cowboys! You mother####ers suck ####!" My 16 year old that that was one of the funnier things she's ever heard.

Now, with a child as young as yours, all your brother has to do is ask for a little consideration and almost always the offender will apologize, be duly chastized by his friends who suddenly notice he's crossed the line and watch it for the rest of the game. "You stupid ####er! (hic) Watch your ####ing mouth! There's ####ing kids here, dick head! (hic) Hey! BEER MAN????!!"

Some other azzhat can be counted on as well to come shinning through later on.

The play "Rock and Roll part II" all the time and it goes...

nah na naaaaaaa na (pause) crowd (You Suck!) and so forth.

You've been warned.

I have NEVER seen any physical violence there, BTW. Just happy, mouthy drunks who get a little surly here and there.
Larry, did you take off your shirt and throw a D cell battery at Brunnel?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hell no...

Pete said:
Larry, did you take off your shirt and throw a D cell battery at Brunnel?

...I kept yelling at Mark: "Be SMART! BE SMART!!!!!"

He played a GREAT game. GREAT.

I counted to bad plays on his part. I didn't like that the first TD to Cooley was such a tough catch because we HAD to have 6 but, hey, Chris caught it and Mark settled in just fine.

The near TD to Santana was right at us and it was just majestic. I didn't think Santana could get there. Man, he's got jets. GREAT pass. GREAT catch.
