
Larry Gude

Strung Out week, can the over/under be how many times 'vet' Mark lays it on the ground?

We don't have to lose it, just fumbles. By my count he's averaging 2 a week.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said: week, can the over/under be how many times 'vet' Mark lays it on the ground?

We don't have to lose it, just fumbles. By my count he's averaging 2 a week.

Whatever you want, Mr Gude.


New Member
Mr. Gude, yes we all know that you don't like the fact that Mark Brunell is the starting quarterback. But let's face facts...90 QB rating, 5-3 record (2 of which were close on the road to playoff teams), solid veteran leadership...if he wins, keep him in and damnit I'm gonna like that he's in there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Understatement of the year?

rraley said:
Mr. Gude, yes we all know that you don't like the fact that Mark Brunell is the starting quarterback. But let's face facts...90 QB rating, 5-3 record (2 of which were close on the road to playoff teams), solid veteran leadership...if he wins, keep him in and damnit I'm gonna like that he's in there.

Don't like?

First off, how's school going?

Second off, veteren leadership is NOT fumbling several times a game. Veteren leadership is making good decisions, not throwing picks. Veteren leadership is not eating it on the last two plays.

Like I said from the begining, if we got what coach says he wants, I'd shut up.

Mark played a pretty good game and made some super throws.

Bottom line, he doesn't put the ball on the ground, we win this one going away. Just like a couple other games this year.

As it is, game 9, he's now tiring, for anyone ignoring the obvious. He's taking some nasty shots and when he does run it looks like it's just taking alot out of him. By the time he gets popped out of the game, this week, next, we bring in who?

So, coach. 5-4. We got your veteren leadership.


"Typical White Person"
Yeah he had some TO's today but overall he played good and made some plays that put us in great position to win it, I'm sorry but the blame for this loss lies somewhere else not on Brunell.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

AK-74me said:
Yeah he had some TO's today but overall he played good and made some plays that put us in great position to win it, I'm sorry but the blame for this loss lies somewhere else not on Brunell. your reasoning the QB can throw two picks and drop two fumbles a week. Give the other team a short field and start the game down two TD's.

And the blame ain't his.

Keep the faith.


"Typical White Person"
Larry you are so bitter that we have been winning with him, I actually think that you are happy when we lose if there is any chance you can blame it on Brunnell. Yeah he made some bad plays but he also made some good plays and had us up by a TD with 2 mins to go when we punted the ball away. The defense has to be able to perserve that, that is the bottom line.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

AK-74me said:
Larry you are so bitter that we have been winning with him, I actually think that you are happy when we lose if there is any chance you can blame it on Brunnell. Yeah he made some bad plays but he also made some good plays and had us up by a TD with 2 mins to go when we punted the ball away. The defense has to be able to perserve that, that is the bottom line.

I have no case. Brunnel is NOT the problem. If you think I'm happy, you PM Vrai.

You blame someone else.

The D, week in and week out is NOT the problem. Brunnel has got to cut them some slack once in awhile.

If you're paying any attention, us 'winning' is 5-4. Mark Brunnel is playing, without question or criticism from Coach Gibbs and people like you who don't mind the inconsistency between what coach says he wants; few mistakes, minimal turnovers, and how Mark is playing.

We'll all just smile and stick together and call it a great effort.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
First off, how's school going?

Amazing...The University of Notre Dame is the greatest college in the United States - a wonderful place where faith, academics, family, and sports comes together. Nowhere in the world has as high a standard as ND and it makes each person that comes through here that much more prepared for the world they enter. Anyone with children out there...tell them to come here; you will most definitely get the money's worth.

Second off, veteren leadership is NOT fumbling several times a game. Veteren leadership is making good decisions, not throwing picks. Veteren leadership is not eating it on the last two plays.

Now fumbles are a problem, but perhaps if the interior part of the line was more skilled at picking up the blitz, Brunell would have less opportunity to fumble the ball. On one of the fumbles today, we can blame Brunell, but I mean he's trying to make a play, gotta give him credit. And you can't tell me right now that Ramsey is any better at holding onto the ball. Now veteran leadership means that your team wants to follow you...Brunell has it; Ramsey doesn't. Brunell is a leader then a quarterback, Ramsey is a mere quarterback. You can't tell me right now that Ramsey would have had 2 TD's in the final 4 minutes against Dallas now can you?

As it is, game 9, he's now tiring, for anyone ignoring the obvious. He's taking some nasty shots and when he does run it looks like it's just taking alot out of him. By the time he gets popped out of the game, this week, next, we bring in who?

We bring in Campbell, according to Gibbs. You know I would have much more esteem for Ramsey if Gibbs was at least somewhat supportive of him. It is clear that he is not and that has got to be for some reason. Joe Gibbs is a tremendous judge of football character. When he looks at Patrick Ramsey, and this is what I pick up from his style of play as well, he sees this kid who just wants to throw the ball for more and more yards. He will throw balls into triple coverage for the sake of showcasing arm strength. He won't run around because then he may get hurt. There has got to be some serious questions regarding his character, and I think that the coach has a better idea of that than either you or me.

We're 5-4 now, with 3 near wins. What would we be doing with Patrick Ramsey? I would say that it would be a far worse record. Today wasn't Patrick Ramsey's fault; it was a defense that quit playing and some inopportune breaks.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm very happy to hear that ND...

...still has THAT rep.

Make it to any games???

If Ramsey were playing, we would have beaten the Bears easy, beaten the Cowboys by 21, not needed a miracle for Seattle, beaten the Chiefs and Broncs, Cambell would have got some time against the 49ers, been competitive against the Giants, won comfortable against the Eagles and won easy over the Bucs. Call it 7-2 maybe 8-1.

Mark simply has throws he CAN'T make anymore. The first pick today, Ramsey gets it there a split second sooner. With Mark, he has to wind up so much, it gives the defender a split second more to react.

Mark has made a bunch of GREAT throws, throws Ramsey should be learning to make IN GAME conditions.

In any event, right or wrong, had Ramsey play 8 games, we would know fact certain if he was our guy or not and likely be no worse than we are, likely better. He has upside, Mark will not get even a little bit better.

The Brunnel supporters point to how much better Mark is playing this year than last. Well, that is to say Ramsey would not benefit from the same things Mark is; Second year in the system, better team health etc.

What is inarguable is that a veteren is supposed to give you, if nothing else, the vet edge; limited mistakes.

And Mark ain't doing that.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...still has THAT rep.

Make it to any games???

OF COURSE. Every student at ND is guaranteed tickets for $168; games in ND Stadium are better than anything else in sport...if you ever get the opportunity to attend a game here, DO IT!!!


"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said:
I have no case. Brunnel is NOT the problem. If you think I'm happy, you PM Vrai.

You blame someone else.

The D, week in and week out is NOT the problem. Brunnel has got to cut them some slack once in awhile.

If you're paying any attention, us 'winning' is 5-4. Mark Brunnel is playing, without question or criticism from Coach Gibbs and people like you who don't mind the inconsistency between what coach says he wants; few mistakes, minimal turnovers, and how Mark is playing.

We'll all just smile and stick together and call it a great effort.

It really dosen't matter, every week we do this so goin back and forth... but anyway with a win today we were in first place of arguably the toughest division in the NFL and compared to previous years, yes we are winning. I am done with this argument. I know your stance and mine is that our QB is playing plenty well enough for us to be in first place.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
:lmao: They sure looked great in the final two minutes.:yay:

...they stopped the Bucs on downs with 3 minutes to go but then the offense goes three and out and gives it right back to the Bucs.

I was begging for somebody to make ONE MORE play.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...they stopped the Bucs on downs with 3 minutes to go but then the offense goes three and out and gives it right back to the Bucs.

I was begging for somebody to make ONE MORE play.
Looked like some bad play calling to me. They shoulda stuck with Portis or Sellers, have them punch it in. Our team didn't believe we could do it but the Bucs sure did believe their team could.