An unfortunate reality of this difficult time is the substantial expense associated with ones passing which can include the cost of a casket, burial plot, funeral services, not to mention the upkeep. For most people, it would be ideal and the most considerate option for you, if you could cremate the individual, but as a people of faith, no matter how silly your religion might seem to others, you simply can't incinerate your beloved.
bobbyb said:It is obviously a hoax because the Catholic Church does allow cremation.
Here's the part that finally turned the light-bulb on for me :jazz lady said:You finally figured out it was a JOKE website, didn't you?
We offer a wide variety of tasteful monuments
We offer a variety of mantle keepsakes for collection, as it pertains to the perfectly compacted remains of your loved ones. Sure, we remove the liquid from your loved one, but no more than a neck slashing or blood letting would afford. If your grandpa or grandma had been slain, savagely beaten, or pump pummeled nigh unto oblivion, they'd still be thusly vacated of fluids, so our methods are not in contradiction of the requirements of most religions.
column hydraulic press to reduce the compress the physical remains of the deceased to a compact, solid shape of your choosing, which accompanied by a custom pedestal makes a wonderful mantle piece for daily remembrance.