Am I the only one....


Darwin was right
that HATES Harry Potter??? I read about 200 pages of the first book before I just couldn't read another page....I watched all of the first movie and I am most of the way through the last movie. Each time the experience has been like 1 million finger nails on 100 thousand blackboards. Please tell me that there is someone else out there that HATES Harry Potter.


Darwin was right
OK...I'm up to the part in the current movie where I am really praying for the snake to win.


curiouser and curiouser
Why or how?
I don't know. :shrug: :lol: I resisted it for years and thought the movies were stupid, but I picked up the first book about 7 years ago because I didn't have anything else to read. And I really really liked it so I read the rest. And cried when I read the last one. :giggle:


Darwin was right
I don't know. :shrug: :lol: I resisted it for years and thought the movies were stupid, but I picked up the first book about 7 years ago because I didn't have anything else to read. And I really really liked it so I read the rest. And cried when I read the last one. :giggle:

I started with the book and found it so senseless that I just couldn't finish it and it only got worse from there. Everyone raved about the first movie so I went to see it with my g'kids and thought it was horrible and it has all been downhill from there.

We're about 3/4's of the way through the last movie now and you can see how interested in it I am. I've had a couple of glasses of wine and that doesn't even help.