Amazing (Mario Bros.)


100% Goapele Head!
Good find. :yay:

At the age of 16 I was addicted to this game, both my uncle and me use to not go to sleep at night playing this game. One night I ended up dreaming that I was in the game playing I remember ducking and hopping. :lmao:

Then when I had my first son I made an excuse and bought a Nintendo from FuncoLand and made sure to get Mario 3 and I ended up addicted to it again except the system was refurbished and started giving me problems.

Mario has always rocked but after Yoshi came aboard I lost interest in anything but the original and 3. Can you find one for Bayou Billy I use to love the jeep driving part of the cartridge and could never really beat it. TIA :flowers:


New Member
I love that game! I was really good at Nintendo games when I was little. Couldnt beat one in 11 minutes though lol.


100% Goapele Head!
Richard Cranium said:
Go to and download an emulator. They have roughly 900 Nintendo games available for play, I don't think there's a title missing from that collection. I have about 150 downloaded on my computer at work :lmao:

Wow, who knew about that... But, it's not trial versions right?

Because I haven't gotten over being scarred from Family Fued's rationing it's game to me for only 5 mins at a time since my trial 30mins ran out. :bawl:

I haven't decided if I will pay $30 for the full version yet still on the hunt for a bootleg DL of it. :dance:

Richard Cranium

New Member
They're full-length and free. I play Family Feud all the time. Unfortunately when I looked earlier I didn't see Bayou Billy.

Some games I play all the time are Commando, Tecmo Super Bowl, Jaws, RC Pro AM, Ivan Stewart's Off Road Racing, Black Bass.....just to name a few.

Everything on that site is free. If you're having trouble I can help you here (although I will be gone all weekend). But this is how I did it:

Download any NES emulator. I have found the FCEU one for Windows worked best.

Create a folder to store all your zipped ROM's in. Go to the site and save all the games you want to that zipped folder.

Open your emulator. Go to config, then input. Set up the controller however you desire. You should only have to do this once, but I've known some that you have to reset your controls every time you open/close the emulator. Then click File, Open and your new "Nintendo Games" folder should open with all the available ROM's you downloaded.

Most cheat codes work as well! Up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start :)

Good luck....let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
That guy must have way to much free time on his hands to get that good at the game. I saw another video were some guy beat super mario 1 in just around 3 minutes.