Amazon reviews


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It never fails, whenever I read the Amazon reviews for anything - a book, a kitchen product, fennel tea - there is always at least one and usually more "reviews" that aren't reviews at all but complaints about how the product was wrong or took too long to arrive or was broken.

People!! That's what customer service is for! You contact them, tell them the problem, and they fix it. And Amazon, for all its flaws, has excellent customer service and replacement policy. Griping about it in the reviews and whining about how you "wasted your money" is just dumb - why wouldn't you use that energy to contact Amazon using the handy dandy little link that's on almost every page to let them know so they can replace it???

Arrrrgh this drives me crazy! :banghead:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I am especially fond of the "It didn't fit/work my need" when the size and application are in the product description. It reminds me of sleazy loving responding to a post.