America’s Transdemic


PREMO Member
The most serious public health crisis in America today isn’t a pandemic, it’s a “transdemic.” And we must do everything we can to stop it, to vaccinate our nation against it, before it infects and destroys another soul.

To briefly position ourselves in the conversation from a linguistic and philosophical standpoint, this is what you need to know: Postmodernity plus the sexual revolution paved the way for our society to buy into one of the biggest lies in the history of mankind. What was that lie? Gender identity. The lie was that there even exists such a thing as a “gender identity” and that it can be separate from, or opposite to, one’s biological sex. Further, in the event that this psychological, subjective category of perceived gender identity is understood to be contrary to one’s biological sex, the gender identity must take precedence over the physical reality of the body. This is the core teaching of “gender ideology” — and it’s being used to brainwash children into thinking they can be “born in the wrong body.”

In a world not gone mad, your sex and your gender are essentially one and the same. But the trans movement has driven a wedge between the two. Thus, when we consider men trying to become women, or vice versa, it’s arguably more accurate to refer to that effort as “transsexual” rather than “transgender,” as John Carpenter has argued here. But human beings can’t change their sex. They never have been, and they never will be able to.

I, on the other hand, reserve the right to change my word usage in future articles. But for now, I’m going to use the colloquial term “transgender” to refer to the pandemic — the transdemic — at hand. That is, the massive explosion, the viral-like growth, of transgenderism and “transitioning” in our youth and young adults.
