America knows the difference between genuine and junk


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PREMO Member
J.South said:
Brittney Spears' decisions aren't too good either...

I didn't say anything about anyone's *decisions* or choices. I wrote 'intellect'.

At least Britney isn't on a personal crusade to 'educate' the public. I'm always amused by dimly-lit bulbs trying to 'enlighten' me.


Let's get drunk
Well that statement wasnt really made toward you Sam. Anywho cares about celeb endorsment because if you not living the lifestyle they are then alot of your issues will be different from theirs. The ONLY politcal thing celebs should be doing is getting the people to vote for what matters for the voter or vote period. Alot of what celebs do is for Pub anyway i.e. Ben Affleck and his awful movies


"There were supposed to be thousands of people here tonight," Cher told the audience, "I'm not sure why that didn't happen, obviously the people putting on this thing were just not very good at it."
Obviously the people that were supposed to support Kerry changed their minds.:lmao:


You would think that the local Lesbian population would have boosted attendance to at least 50. How embarassing.


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PREMO Member
Oh I know. I'm still amused by the Cameron Diaz quote where she suggests that re-electing George Bush would result in legalizing rape. And I've never forgotten Steve Tyler of Aerosmith grumbling about these "liberal right-wingers". Yeah, they're political *GODS*.