Americas next top model...

How many of you watch this show? The new season seems like a good variety of girls. I really like that they have the girl with asbergers (sp?) on there showing she doesnt let her disability get her down. I am glad Mila got the boot last night :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My daughter... it all the time and I'll sit there for a few minutes talking to her about Tyra and how it's her show, she produces it and that's where it's really at, the business of models, a marketable product.

I'd prefer she watch the news, but, after watching the debate last night, I'm a bit more OK with her watching folks who at least are good looking and trying to make it on that asset rather than watch people whose minds work in terrifying fashion arguing they actually give a #### about anyone but themselves.


mv = margaritaville
I haven't watched it yet this year. But I tend to watch it reruns of it...Always makes me want to go do a photoshoot

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ps... of them argued that he used a personal bankruptcy as a benefit to help other people and that the credit card companies deserved him defaulting on his commitment. Another argued, several, actually, that they'd never torture one human being even if it meant saving many other lives in preventing a terror attack and most of them argued that 18 it's fine for 18 year olds to be adults in every fashion, including fighting for ones country, save drinking.

The models don't do that.


Football Mom!!!
I missed it last night...I had too many things recording at the same time. I will have to catch the rerun. So Mila got the boot...can't remember which one she is.

maxima87 said:
Thanks...not so good with the names at first. Another one is Ebony...she is very pretty but when she opens her mouth...damn.
Yeah she was the other one to get kicked off but they chose Mila.