America's NINE political tribes


PREMO Member
U.S. voters are segmented into nine political tribes - four that lean left, four that lean right, and the 'stressed sideliners' who have a minimal interest in politics - according to a report released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.

Pew surveyed 10,221 adults this July, but has been conducting interviews with respondents since January 2020.

While partisan polarization remained high, the research also showed that there are divisions within both the Democrats and the Republicans - as members' views vary on issues including racial justice, abortion, taxes and the future role of former President Donald Trump.

This Pew chart shows the percentages the groups make up overall (left) and then among the political right (center) and political left (right)



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What bullshit. You can't group humans into nine political ideologies. Then there's this glaring bias:


"Incorrectly" doesn't belong in that blurb. It's a manipulator word that has no basis in fact, and even if it did it's not up to researchers to determine if it's correct or incorrect to support a claim.

Also their claim that the probgots are "highly educated" is BS. Any thinking person would understand that they're indoctrinated, not educated. A bunch of entitled white kids who go out and riot for "social justice", but they can't tell you who won the Civil War.

FU, Pew. Fake garbage.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
based on YOUR Definition on what a thinking person is ....

A thinking person is a person who thinks about things in reasonable depth. That's the only definition. If you want to get all combative on behalf of Pew Research, be my guest.


PREMO Member
You and I see ' thinking ' differently

It is a bit myopic - the assumption anyone not thinking like you, isn't thinking

life is a bit more nuanced

just because someone reaches a conclusion you disagree with, that does not mean the person did not ' think ' or consider ...

I'll agree perhaps their ideology or up bringing or life experiences does not allow them to consider alternative solutions, facts or figures or data ... that does not mean they were not ' thinking '

Progressives ARE Highly Educated AND indoctrinated in Leftist Ideology the 2 are no synonymous

Just because a Nurse or Doctor is steeped in AntiFA ideology ... that does not negate the fact they have a higher education then the High School Grad cashier at Wal-Mart - 2 Lawyers were arrested for Firebombing Cop Cars in DC .... they still have Law Degrees

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos spew leftist crap all the time, are you going to call the ' uneducated '

the Irony lost on the left .... most of the people Still OPPOSING The JAB are -

  1. POC - traditionally shite on by the Govc
  2. Highly Educated - who did there own research and decided NO - NOT Trump Supporters



This still assumes that everyone is on a spectrum between Right and Left.

One again ignoring those of us, who think that conservatives are a kick in the crotch and Liberals are a kick in the ass.

It ain't like that. And the fact that the government and the media and any other powers that be have managed to convince everyone that it is - and therefore a vote for any third party is actually a vote for [whomever I dislike] - continues to sicken and disgust me.

This chart is bullshit and the person(s) who made it are ****ing retarded.


If I may ...
If I may ...

based on YOUR Definition on what a thinking person is ....

A thinking person is a person who thinks about things in reasonable depth. That's the only definition. If you want to get all combative on behalf of Pew Research, be my guest.
You are both correct. However, most, if not all, people, are products of their environment. If they are not raised to be a "critical thinker" by their parents, to question everything, and be distrusting, yet respectful, of government authority, we get what we have today. And, as we've seen, the many stories of the "critical thinker" being chastised, or thrown out of university classes for challenging any liberal dogma; The ones that are smart enough to question, via critical thinking, and refuse to carry the water of indoctrination.


If they are not raised to be a "critical thinker" by their parents, to question everything, and be distrusting, yet respectful, of government authority ...

I am going to have to go on ahead and disagree with you there.

With my parents, one is a staunch ideologue and the other is very much a barely-interested semi-participant. Neither of whom I would describe as "critical thinkers". My ideologically driven parent believes pretty much whatever Fox tell them, and the other doesn't seem to care what anyone tells them about politics, nor pursuing it on their own. When I'm around them I feign apathy and ignorance because honestly, it's not worth the effort to argue, and I'd rather keep a happily smooth relationship with them.

That said, I consider myself to be a highly critical thinker. I very much question everything. Although there is overlap with their values - I did not simply inherit their religious or political beliefs because they told me to believe things a certain way. There was a time where I completely abandoned all of their belief systems and ran in the opposite direction - whereupon, I realized that mindlessly shunning values is not any better than mindlessly embracing values.

I have very strongly endeavored to impress upon my kids the value of independent and critical thought, I have succeeded with one of them - of the other two, one is a uninterested non-participant, and the other is becoming an ideologue. So there is a lot more to it than having values impressed on you by your parents.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am going to have to go on ahead and disagree with you there.

With my parents, one is a staunch ideologue and the other is very much a barely-interested semi-participant. Neither of whom I would describe as "critical thinkers". My ideologically driven parent believes pretty much whatever Fox tell them, and the other doesn't seem to care what anyone tells them about politics, nor pursuing it on their own. When I'm around them I feign apathy and ignorance because honestly, it's not worth the effort to argue, and I'd rather keep a happily smooth relationship with them.

That said, I consider myself to be a highly critical thinker. I very much question everything. Although there is overlap with their values - I did not simply inherit their religious or political beliefs because they told me to believe things a certain way. There was a time where I completely abandoned all of their belief systems and ran in the opposite direction - whereupon, I realized that mindlessly shunning values is not any better than mindlessly embracing values.

I have very strongly endeavored to impress upon my kids the value of independent and critical thought, I have succeeded with one of them - of the other two, one is a uninterested non-participant, and the other is becoming an ideologue. So there is a lot more to it than having values impressed on you by your parents.

FWIW, I too consider you a highly critical thinker. So that's not something you're deluding yourself on (unlike so many self-described "critical thinkers" who do nothing but parrot talking points and reject any news or opinion that conflicts with that), others see it in you as well. :yay:


FWIW, I too consider you a highly critical thinker. So that's not something you're deluding yourself on (unlike so many self-described "critical thinkers" who do nothing but parrot talking points and reject any news or opinion that conflicts with that), others see it in you as well. :yay:


That's something I actually am somewhat self-conscious about. I get irritated when someone boasts about a trait that they demonstrably do not possess, and I sometimes worry that this is something I may do. Just because I believe something about myself doesn't automatically make it so, and I'd hate to be one of those a-holes. So it's good to see that I'm not imagining things.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I am going to have to go on ahead and disagree with you there.

With my parents, one is a staunch ideologue and the other is very much a barely-interested semi-participant. Neither of whom I would describe as "critical thinkers". My ideologically driven parent believes pretty much whatever Fox tell them, and the other doesn't seem to care what anyone tells them about politics, nor pursuing it on their own. When I'm around them I feign apathy and ignorance because honestly, it's not worth the effort to argue, and I'd rather keep a happily smooth relationship with them.

That said, I consider myself to be a highly critical thinker. I very much question everything. Although there is overlap with their values - I did not simply inherit their religious or political beliefs because they told me to believe things a certain way. There was a time where I completely abandoned all of their belief systems and ran in the opposite direction - whereupon, I realized that mindlessly shunning values is not any better than mindlessly embracing values.

I have very strongly endeavored to impress upon my kids the value of independent and critical thought, I have succeeded with one of them - of the other two, one is a uninterested non-participant, and the other is becoming an ideologue. So there is a lot more to it than having values impressed on you by your parents.
As I said, we are all a product of our environment. There are many different environments.