AMish Handmade Furniture off of Rt 6?


New Member
Has anyone had furniture made someone off of Rt 6?

There is a sign that says handmade furniture.

Any suggestions would be great.


If you are talking about Yoder's all I can say is

:yay: :yay: :yay: times 100!

I have various family members that go to him exclusively now and have even special ordered items and they were very happy with the quality of work as well as the price.


New Member
I am not sure of the name.

Can you find any contact info? Or I guess I should go during the day during the week? (I've never done this before so please forgive my ignorance.:blushing: )



Happy Camper!
Originally posted by wsmiles
Can you find any contact info? Or I guess I should go during the day during the week? (I've never done this before so please forgive my ignorance.:blushing: )

Just a guess but Raymond Yoder - 9443 N. Ryceville Road :shrug:

Just don't go on Sundays.


New Member
Yeah, but I wasn't sure what to look under.

I tried furniture, Amish, and got all kinds of crazy stuff.


Would THIS face lie?
They really make some quality furniture......We have an oak bedroom set that we got from Everything Amish in Hughesville.....They have some really nice pieces there......


CageKicker Extraordinaire
If you can afford it, the stuff the Amish make is top quality. Mostly because its handmade (read: SOLID) and that's pretty much all they've done their whole lives (read: lots of experience).