In the neighborhood in which my kids grew up, none of the high-school-aged boys wanted to date. The problem was that the high school girls were too difficult. They were in the early stages of becoming the screaming, woke feminists who were so prominent during the George Floyd rallies. On Twitter, a girl like that, only now grown up to be a mother and academic, tweeted something generically nasty about the “alt-right” hatefulness of White boys in middle school—and an 18-year-old decided to explain exactly why White boys are embracing non-woke standards.
Dr. Danna Youngus, a University of Delaware communications professor rather than a medical doctor, has blocked access to her account but the content lives on:
Dr. Danna Youngus, a University of Delaware communications professor rather than a medical doctor, has blocked access to her account but the content lives on:
My teen told me something that’s been haunting me for weeks.
He said, “I think almost every white middle school boy is in the alt-right pipeline -at some point-until something/someone pulls them out.”
Somehow, Youngus’s message came to the attention of Daniel Schmidt, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Chicago, who remembers very well his middle-school years, not to mention the journey through high school. Here is his Twitter thread, unrolled:
I’m an 18-year-old white male. I was in middle school only 5 years ago.
I think I can offer some perspective on @dannagal‘s thread.
Yes, young white males increasingly identify as right-wing.
But why?
From my experience, here’s what’s really happening:
Thought experiment:
Imagine you’re an 8th-grade boy. You’re beginning to be told by teachers, the media, and maybe your parents that you’re privileged because you’re a boy. It’s a basic truth, you’re told.
But this just makes you confused. You start asking yourself questions. If boys are privileged, why do the girls in my class tend to get better grades?
Why are there more girls than boys in my advanced classes?
Why are the girls more well-behaved and focused?
Why are some of the girls preparing for college applications already? By the time you get to high school, your confusion only grows.
Your friend, who used to go to church with you, has become addicted to porn. Another friend, whose parents have recently divorced, has started using drugs.
Your friends start appearing unmotivated and demoralized. Meanwhile, the girls at your school continue to be over-represented in honors classes, get better test scores and grades, obtain more leadership positions, and participate in more extracurriculars.
But you’re still repeatedly told that boys are privileged. How could this be? Then, when college acceptances come out, you notice many more girls than boys get into top universities. More girls are going to college in general, for that matter.
An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized
In the neighborhood in which my kids grew up, none of the high school–aged boys wanted to date. The problem was that the high school girls were too difficult. They were in the early stages of becoming the screaming, woke f...