Anatomy of an epidemic


Dream Stealer
Anatomy of an Epidemic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Picked this book up at the library as a beach read for my upcoming mini vacation (I know, im a :nerd: )

So far, I really, really like it. Simply and well written, with the most fascinating info.

Whitaker writes about how, even though we now have many different classes of psychiatric drugs, the rate of people DISABLED by mental illness is steadily rising. (as a sidenote, some of the case studies he presents are infuriating..well educated people on SSDI yet can manage other activities)

One thing that struck me immediately was that he mentioned something that I had noticed myself..patients who come under psychiatric care for depression, and then are put on antidepressants and later being diagnosed as bipolar. As if the antidepressants trigger mania and/or mood swings..I noticed this myself and can't wait to see what else he has to say about it.

anyway great read, its NOT antimedication at all, but really examines why we may have so many "frequent flyers" in the psych unit.