And Now, Something Completely Different


Dancing Up A Storm
Democrats Urge Party to Shun Michael Moore?

"We Democrats and other supporters of John Kerry for president petition the Democratic National Committee to forthwith disassociate itself from filmmaker Michael Moore and reject his incendiary, propagandistic methods," begins the petition. "It is our steadfast belief that Michael Moore has violated the public trust by presenting misrepresentation, factual inaccuracy and dramatic re-creation as truth in his films. He has usurped time-honored ethics of journalism, to which documentarians are bound, and has employed classic techniques of deception cognate to totalitarian propaganda."

This is as all well and good, but later on in the article, another idea emerges that these democrats fear Michael Moore's
documentary actually hurts J.F. Kerrys' cause.

However, it is true on both accounts, since Kerry did not receive the "bounce" he thought he would get from the party's national convention.

Hmmm, stirrings from the left?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
This is as all well and good, but later on in the article, another idea emerges that these democrats fear Michael Moore's
documentary actually hurts J.F. Kerrys' cause.
About damn time some Democrats figured this out. :rolleyes: You can't let your fringe element run amok without it tarring the whole party. And John Kerry has not only refused to snub the Leftists and screwballs, but he's embraced them, which is going to cost him the electiion.


Originally posted by penncam
"We Democrats and other supporters of John Kerry for president petition the Democratic National Committee to forthwith disassociate itself from filmmaker Michael Moore and reject his incendiary, propagandistic methods,"

I can't help but think this is an indirect response to the SwiftVets throwing their hats into this ring.

I remember a conversation that I was having with someone last week who was all but pounding thier chest like an orangutan over this. The crux of their argument was that is was unethical, unbecoming and downright despicable that these people would start in like they did. An unofficial entity that was trying to sway the outcome of the election with a bunch of misrepresentation, half-truths and (possibly) outright lies. It's unamerican to pass off such propaganda as fact.

"But what about Farenheit/911?"

"That's totally different."




Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: And Now, Something Completely Different

Originally posted by Toxick
An unofficial entity that was trying to sway the outcome of the election with a bunch of misrepresentation, half-truths and (possibly) outright lies. It's unamerican to pass off such propaganda as fact.

"But what about Farenheit/911?"

"That's totally different."


:rolleyes: I had the same sort of conversation with a 19yr old at work last week, and he was thumping his chest over the validity of Moore's Farenheit 9/11 movie, how it had made him sit up and take notice of the indiscretions and lies this administration has pulled on us.

I pointed out some of the misrepresentations of the said flick, but he wasn't having none of it.

All I could think of was: dur:rolleyes: