"I think the church has reacted by fully accepting that it's the law, and should react on Saturday by continuing to demonstrate in word and action, the love of Christ for every human being." Justin Welby told the Guardian.
So whacked out of context of what the Bible preaches/teaches. Yes, Christ loves every human being. No, Christ does not and will not accept sin at any and every level, including to live in sin through sin, voluntarily. To use the name of God to sanctify homosexual marriage is blasphemy against His word itself.
PC is the new accepted "religion".
We are Biblically taught, instructed, to obey the law of the land we live in unless it compromises the religious beliefs of Scripture. Then we are to either move elsewhere, or not comply and suffer the consequences. Or else you don't really believe it in the first place.
Beyond sad, but we are where we are due to the apathy of true Christian voters, and the non-Biblical stances of so many "christians in name only" (CINO's) votes.