And the winnah is...


Nothing to see here
This weekend..
Larry 12
BuddyLee 11
TomChamp 11
Dems 8
AK-74me 7
Otter 7
Donbar 7
Daddy-O 6
Pete 6
MM 5
Gumbo 4
Airgasm 4

For the year...

TomChamp 160
Daddy-O 160
Gumbo 159
Airgasm 158
MM 155
BuddyLee 152
Dems 150
Donbar 147
AK-74me 143
Larry 140
Otter 134
Pete 129

****I put TomChamp at the top cuz Daddy-O(MIA) went with the default picks this week. So it was a tie for bragging rights.****

Look here for some idea of what we will do thru the playoffs, think it starts around post 42 or so, Larry's idea sounds best..details later in the week when I post the line for the wild card games on Wednesday.


New Member

:clap: I guess that was some New Years good luck for me! :yahoo:

:yay: otter...Thanks for taking the time with football pool through out the season.

Good luck to all in the playoffs!!!
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Big Wheelin'
Go TC! that sucks to be away and go default, but I will take a first place tie anyday, yeah!

Thanks for a great year otter!


Well-Known Member
Nice Daddy-O and Tom ! :yay:

Gumbo, MM, we picked a nice week to blow the pooch! :ohwell:
You guys kept it close to the end :yay:

good times :cheers:


Football addict
Right in the middle of the pack...not too shabby.

Thanks for doing this Ottah!

Can't wait for the playoffs.:biggrin: