And worse...


Dancing Up A Storm
"Newsweek (which likes the word "discredited") has apparently begun an external investigation: it names "a disgruntled former Guard officer" as a principal source for CBS, noting "he suffered two nervous breakdowns" and "unsuccessfully sued for medical expenses."

It may be that CBS is the victim of a whopping journalistic hoax, besmearing a president to bring him down. What should a responsible news organization do?"

Despite what Dan Rather has said about his having the information thoroughly vetted for accuracy, it does not look good for CBS' integrity.

A "former disgruntled Guard officer" offered them some dirt to discredit GW, and they went for it: hook, line and sinker. :twitch:


I think they should so what they've harassing Bush to do... just come clean and admit you were wrong.


Dancing Up A Storm
Bruzilla said:
I think they should so what they've harassing Bush to do... just come clean and admit you were wrong.
:yeahthat: OK, I'll buy that; but do you think they'll have the honesty/integrity to actually admit that fact?

Or, will they let time pass, and hope with that passage of the clock, people will forget that it ever happened?