And yet another thoughtful, reasoned critique of W...


Dancing Up A Storm
:cool: What is there, really, anyone could or should say to this Larry?
As O'Reilly was trying to point out last night, the radical/far left, and in some cases, the radical/far right pander to these kinds of muck.

Maybe the papers and news media in this area haven't seen fit to publish what the right wing is doing along these lines -- because I haven't seen anything this gross from them, but Bill O'Reilly says it's going on as well from them.

His point was, that what these fringe politicos do not seem to remember is that across America most people are not polarized as extreme left or right. They are pretty much tilted towards the middle, and seeing these kinds of ads turns most of them off.

In effect, he says these bizarre political smear ads could cause a backlash against these leftists, and if Sen. Kerry does not distance himself from, or declare opposition to them, it could very well cause him the election.

Of course, in the meantime, free speech advocates, and 1st Amendment howlers will defend to the death the right of these @zzclowns to publish this sort of trash. I will offer no names, but these people know who they are.:crazy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What would be nice is...

...that when a David Duke trys to hit the mainstream or a Trent Lott goes overboard with a racially ugly rant that those who have the power to send them packing or reduce their power DO SO.


...Oh, wait. Those people are called...Republicans.

Maybe the papers and news media in this area haven't seen fit to publish what the right wing is doing along these lines

The right does not harbour people like Moore and Sharpton and Al Gore and Howard Dean. Those kind of emotion based freaks are loved on the left BECAUSE they are emotion based and get people fired up. Republicans and especially conservatives do not like rabble rousing and firey rhetoric. It is upsetting and irrational and frightening. Whatever truth my be mixed in gets lost in the emotions. Calling George Bush the 'enemy' and acting like Saddam Hussien is some victim is no way to make policy, no way to ease tensions and no wat to...get your way.

But, the Moore and Gore wingers BELIEVE this crap and the 'moderates', the people who can stop the nuts, do NOTHING about them save celebrate them.

The left will scream bloody murder about a Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and Jesse Helms and then we go to what they've said, we read, we listen, we watch we...we...we ask 'what in the hell is so upsetting about THAT??"

The fact is there is a HUGE difference between the far left and the far right. There is no far right in mainstream American politics which is why people like Limbaugh and O'Riley (not even a conservative) get labeled as 'extreme'.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
which is why people like Limbaugh and O'Riley (not even a conservative) get labeled as 'extreme'.
Well, Limbaugh *is* extreme. But he doesn't make any pretense of being fair and impartial - he's a very open partisan. Plus we don't notice anyone wanting to elect Rush Limbaugh to public office, do we?

I was having a conversation on here with someone (I forget who) and he was railing about Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America. I was like, what's so bad about that? Then I linked to the actual text of it, inviting him to tell me which part he disagreed with. Never heard from him again. :lol:

And that's the problem with partisanship - you get so invested in "us vs. them" that it makes you close your eyes, ears and mind.