anesthesia usually stays in the system for 24 hours. Hope everything turns out okay....
If you give me the number to your vet I'll call and ask.Does anyone know about how long it should last?
We had to take our dog in for xrays yesterday. They had to put her under with anesthesia. She's still walking around pretty loopy. Does anyone know about how long it should last?
Was a needle biopsy out of the question? What breed is your dog?
The vet in Pr. Fred doesn't do biopsies. They recommended one in Annapolis that is able to handle a wide variety of these circumstances. So they will probably do a needle biopsy.
We adopted this dog from a rescue place. We were told she is a cockapoo but after talking to many people and doing some research we found out she may be a Sealyham Terrier. But I think there may a mix of several breeds.
Well, she gets her biopsy today. Hope for the best. The lump on her neck has gotten bigger (about the size of a lemon) and she has really slowed down. We're pretty scared about this.
The news is not good. Lexus has cancer. The Dr. did not give a good prognosis for surgery. So we are going to talk and see what we are going to do and just take it day by day.
The news is not good. Lexus has cancer. The Dr. did not give a good prognosis for surgery. So we are going to talk and see what we are going to do and just take it day by day.
I am so sorry to hear the bad news about your dog. Been there....hugs to you!
We, had to put little Lexus down today. I can't really express how sad we are about this, but also relieved she is now at peace. One day we may adopt again from a a rescue center, but for now we want to honor her memory during the holidays.
I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always hard to say goodbye to a friend.
We, had to put little Lexus down today. I can't really express how sad we are about this, but also relieved she is now at peace. One day we may adopt again from a a rescue center, but for now we want to honor her memory during the holidays.
We, had to put little Lexus down today. I can't really express how sad we are about this, but also relieved she is now at peace. One day we may adopt again from a a rescue center, but for now we want to honor her memory during the holidays.
Thank you for your quick reply. You're always at the ready to give care and support. Lexus was with us for a little less than a year, but she adopted us with so much fun and joy. She made best buds with our other dog (Roxie). Just the most loving dog anyone could ask for.
Thank you for you kind words.
We, had to put little Lexus down today. I can't really express how sad we are about this, but also relieved she is now at peace. One day we may adopt again from a a rescue center, but for now we want to honor her memory during the holidays.