Angry Children Get Vulgar


No Use for Donk Twits
Warning: Immature Language!

FISA Fight: Attack Of The Epic Failure

Today is going to go down as a dark day in our nation's history, as the Senate completes its total capitulation to the Bush administration and its corporate masters, through passing legislation that dramatically expands the government's surveillance powers and immunizes the companies responsible for illegally spying on us from any form of legal redress for the victims.

It's unbelievable that nearly three years of campaigning, legislating, debating, and shouting from the rooftops on this issue, one of the most important of the time, has had almost no effect. Worse yet, the new law that is about to be passed is the worst possible permutation imaginable--not only does it perform all the aforementioned perfidious tasks of justifying lawbreaking and expanding our surveillance state, it practically removes all oversight from the process and allows the surveillance system to be easily tailored to pick on purely domestic issues, ranging from illegal online gambling to P2P file sharing. All the Attorney General and the DNI have to do now is say, "Hey, the President authorized this. Here's his signature," and the FISA judge has to essentially sign off on a rubber-stamp for surveillance of potentially dozens--hundreds--of people, all without individual warrants. Because, of course, no sitting President or Attorney General would ever abuse such a system for their own ends. No sir.

This was a battle the Democrats absolutely could have won. They could have stood their ground and fought the new laws every step of the way, and gotten good press, more donations, and the respect of their constitutents. Instead, they knuckled under to protect their corrupt leadership from being hit by lawsuits for their part in the surveillance, and in so doing, granted one of the most corrupt and authoritarian American presidents in our history one of his greatest victories--the unchecked expansion of "Total Information Awareness," a vast data dragnet where your every move is catalogued, cross-referenced, and analyzed for "suspicious behavior." It's the stated aim of current DNI Mike McConnell to not only expand the government's surveillance reach not only to the Internet and databases, but to outsource that surveillance to corporate partners such as AT&T--the same company which is up to its eyeballs in the illegal spying scandal.

Martin Bosworth: FISA Fight: Attack Of The Epic Failure

Marty got his panties in a wad over the socialist's loss to common sense. In all fairness, he did condemn Obama for his 180 degree flip-flop.

Marty's take can be summarized by this:


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Lovin' being Texican
"Hey, the President authorized this. Here's his signature," and the FISA judge has to essentially sign off on a rubber-stamp for surveillance of potentially dozens--hundreds--of people,....

Earlier their complaints were that ALL were at risk. Importantly, he has down-sized the pool of at-risk-targets to more reasonable (though still inflated) numbers.


No Use for Donk Twits
These barking moonbats are absolutely clueless. First, they have no idea on how the program works in reality. Lord knows the operators have to jump through many hoops to get anything accomplished. Second, they don't seem to mind government intrusion of private citizens when THEY are in charge. Does several hundred missing FBI files ring a bell?

Uneducated and clueless - the mantra of the Soros bought Kos Kids


I bowl overhand
They could have stood their ground and fought the new laws every step of the way, and gotten good press, more donations, and the respect of their constitutents.

Wh o gives a rats ass about security and national defense as long as we could get "good press, more donations".. the Truth finally reveals it's ugly head.


New Member
They could have stood their ground and fought the new laws every step of the way, and gotten good press, more donations, and the respect of their constitutents.

Wh o gives a rats ass about security and national defense as long as we could get "good press, more donations".. the Truth finally reveals it's ugly head.

That's right, security...

Ummm... what's the point in security if your not free?

Some of you ultra security freaks need to see the movie "V for Vendetta"
Ok, Bush and co aren't THAT bad but honestly, to be free is to risk people attacking your way of life. To add so much security that you are not free is just another way of letting the terrorists and freedom haters win.


I bowl overhand
That's right, security...

Ummm... what's the point in security if your not free?

Some of you ultra security freaks need to see the movie "V for Vendetta"
Ok, Bush and co aren't THAT bad but honestly, to be free is to risk people attacking your way of life. To add so much security that you are not free is just another way of letting the terrorists and freedom haters win.

What they are doing has not effected me in any way shape or form.. it has not eroded ANY of my freedoms, nor do i believe ANYone is tapping my phones or listening to any of my conversations, and if they are they are probably REALLY bored.

So tell me, what freedom, exactly, did we, the American Citizens give up?


No Use for Donk Twits
What they are doing has not effected me in any way shape or form.. it has not eroded ANY of my freedoms, nor do i believe ANYone is tapping my phones or listening to any of my conversations, and if they are they are probably REALLY bored.

So tell me, what freedom, exactly, did we, the American Citizens give up?

Exactly! All the lawsuits have been dismissed because nobody could prove they were harmed in any way. The argument posed by the ACLU is a strawman at best.

The barking moonbats would say Bush was wrong if he stated today on television that this is Thursday. They'd commit themselves before they admitted Bush was correct about anything.


No Use for Donk Twits
That's right, security...

Ummm... what's the point in security if your not free?

Some of you ultra security freaks need to see the movie "V for Vendetta"
Ok, Bush and co aren't THAT bad but honestly, to be free is to risk people attacking your way of life. To add so much security that you are not free is just another way of letting the terrorists and freedom haters win.

How is there so much security we're not free? Those of us that have worked in the intelligence field know how these programs work. PITA! Collection after the fact is useless, makes one a law enforcement officer gathering evidence for a prosecution rather than preventing an attack. I would rather know too much about a potential threat than not enough.