Ankle Injury


Infinite Impetus
I sprained my ankle almost 2 weeks ago now.. It took until yesterday to get the final report from the MRI I got after the first week. Worst process ever.. Anyway, the end reslut was that my talus (Talus bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is bruised, but NOT fractured..

Anyone ever do this? Or have this happen to them? It FEELS almost normal, but she told me NO weight on it for SIX WEEKS.. which I feel is excessive. Input?

..yeah yeah listen to the doc, but I'd like to hear real people input as well


I sprained my ankle almost 2 weeks ago now.. It took until yesterday to get the final report from the MRI I got after the first week. Worst process ever.. Anyway, the end reslut was that my talus (Talus bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is bruised, but NOT fractured..

Anyone ever do this? Or have this happen to them? It FEELS almost normal, but she told me NO weight on it for SIX WEEKS.. which I feel is excessive. Input?

..yeah yeah listen to the doc, but I'd like to hear real people input as well

Don't know about the Talus bone, but I fractured my heelbone at work one day...took 4 weeks to heal......swelling was intense......:faint:

Callie girl

New Member
I twisted or sprained mine over a week ago and it is still swelled up and hurting bad. It's horrible, I have never done anything like this. Everyone said you have to stay off of it to heal but not possible in my life.


Set Trippin
I sprained my ankle almost 2 weeks ago now.. It took until yesterday to get the final report from the MRI I got after the first week. Worst process ever.. Anyway, the end reslut was that my talus (Talus bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is bruised, but NOT fractured..

Anyone ever do this? Or have this happen to them? It FEELS almost normal, but she told me NO weight on it for SIX WEEKS.. which I feel is excessive. Input?

..yeah yeah listen to the doc, but I'd like to hear real people input as well
I actually brokeded my talus right in two... Hence the reason my foot is now fused together by a couple of nifty 3.5 inch bolts...:yikes: