Ann Coulter's July 24th article


Dancing Up A Storm
For what it's worth

:biggrin: Ann Coulter is a frequent guest on "Hannity and Colmes"
seen on Fox News at 9:00pm.

I wonder if Sean Hannity invites her on there to frustrate the heck out of Alan Colmes!

Alan tries to bait her with his questions, but cannot get her to squirm or back off from her allegations.
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I really like Ann's writings, but she should stay away from ever going on talk shows, especially ones where there's an antagonistic questioner. I watch her just about everytime she's on TV, and I've yet to see her give an impressive performance. She starts one sentence, changes her mind about what she wants to say, and shifts mid-course into another thought. She should stick to writing and leave debating to someone else.