Ann Coulters' Slant on the News uncovered during the 9/11 Commision Hearings


Dancing Up A Storm
Flying United, anyone?

It's truly amazing how well Ann Coulter can put the news in perspective; as good, if not better than any columnist I've had the pleasure to read from.

She brings forth many examples of Liberal partisanship(is that another word for bias?) that have been raised during these hearings.

From my perspective, what little I've been able to catch of the hearings, the Liberal Left softballs their questions to those of their party, yet grill the conservative testifiers unmercifully. They "pooh-pooh" findings from conservative ones, as well.

One of the subjects is recusement; disqualifying yourself when you are aware of a conflict of interest in a case, and you have either had an immediate effect on it (like writing into law an impeding statute - as Jamie Gorelick did - when she was deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno during the Clinton administration in 1995.), making it very difficult for the FBI, CIA and other law enforcement types to adequately investigate suspicious terrorist activity.


Dancing Up A Storm
"Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster."

:killingme :killingme :killingme

I may just have to buy that doll, so I can bring it to work where we have this unabashed Liberal spouter, who hates G. W. Bush and thinks he's part of a secret Nazi society!
We also have a few of these "swing voters" there too, and it's almost every other day we get into a barb-tossing dialogue.:biggrin: