Ann Curry grates on my nerves!


I love the Today show. Watch it everyday. Lately, I have found myself wanting to change the channel ALOT. Ann Curry and her oh-so-compassionate, I'm-so-caring, mushy, face and voice is getting to be too much. I really can't stand her. Am I the only one? Even the nice things she says to Matt, Al, and Meredith are so sappy sweet it sickening! Am I the only one?


She just sits there smiling all the time. About nothing! Meredith and Matt don't do that shiat. So annoying! I want to smack her1 That over the top laugh when it's not so funny and the one arm around the shoulder hug. UGH>


aka Mrs. Giant
I like her. I also think she's cute.

She's also done a lot of reporting on the atrocities of the world. And been recognized for her efforts with victims of violence in Darfur and Chad.

JMO, but maybe after seeing and experiencing all that crap, she realizes it's kindness that's practiced that makes a difference in the life of another. :shrug:

Nanny Pam

I'm addicted to FNN. Every morning, as soon as I see the local weather, I change over to Brian, Steve, & Gretchen.


I love the Today show. Watch it everyday. Lately, I have found myself wanting to change the channel ALOT. Ann Curry and her oh-so-compassionate, I'm-so-caring, mushy, face and voice is getting to be too much. I really can't stand her. Am I the only one? Even the nice things she says to Matt, Al, and Meredith are so sappy sweet it sickening! Am I the only one?

Well, I actually like her alot, I think she is a wonderul newsperson and very compassionate about what she does so what's wrong with that. To see a humorus side of her, go to the Today's Show website and watch her attempt at stand up might make you realize she is really just an average person like the rest of us.


Well, I actually like her alot, I think she is a wonderul newsperson and very compassionate about what she does so what's wrong with that. To see a humorus side of her, go to the Today's Show website and watch her attempt at stand up might make you realize she is really just an average person like the rest of us.

Well, she really gets on my nerves. Did you see her run around and give Molly Shannon her shawl this morning? Freakin' kiss up. Rediculous. The head tilt and sympathetic mouth thing it too much to take. I agree, she is a good reporter etc. It's the sappy crap she does in between that makes me cringe.
I saw the comedy thing. I watch the show everyday.


Well, she really gets on my nerves. Did you see her run around and give Molly Shannon her shawl this morning? Freakin' kiss up. Rediculous. The head tilt and sympathetic mouth thing it too much to take. I agree, she is a good reporter etc. It's the sappy crap she does in between that makes me cringe.
I saw the comedy thing. I watch the show everyday.

But seriously now, does she have to kiss up to anyone?, I don't think she does, her status is already in concrete. It's just her personality, but you are entitled to your opinion.


But seriously now, does she have to kiss up to anyone?, I don't think she does, her status is already in concrete. It's just her personality, but you are entitled to your opinion.

No she doesn't have to. This is why it bothers me. You're right, it's just her personality, and I can't stand it sometimes. It's not all the time, just alot of the time.


Geesh, you won't get off the hate Anne Curry wagon hugh?!? Give the lady a break, are you perfect?

Um, actually I just thought that was funny.
It's common knowledge to anyone that watches her that she uses "Good Morning" alot. Alot lot.
Gees, why so defensive of Ann "2x" Curry?
BTW, yes, I am perfect.:diva:


Um, actually I just thought that was funny.
It's common knowledge to anyone that watches her that she uses "Good Morning" alot. Alot lot.
Gees, why so defensive of Ann "2x" Curry?
BTW, yes, I am perfect.:diva:

Not defending her in particular, defending negativity, there is so much of it don't you agree? People need to think and be positive, look for the good, keep you glass half full versus half empty....I knowyou must agree.


Not defending her in particular, defending negativity, there is so much of it don't you agree? People need to think and be positive, look for the good, keep you glass half full versus half empty....I knowyou must agree.

I'm not a negative person, she jusrt gets on my nerves.