Annapolis Council Approves Slavery Apology


ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - The city of Annapolis is following the state's lead and is apologizing for slavery.
Six members of the City Council and Mayor Ellen Moyer approved a resolution Monday night. The two other council members abstained.

The sponsor, Alderman Sam Shropshire, says the resolution not an apology from the citizens. Instead, he says it is an apology for the city government's role in encouraging slavery.

Earlier this year, the state legislature approved a resolution expressing "profound regret" for the state's role in the slave trade.

Maryland has been a free state since 1864


Good for them.

I have a plant in my office and it started looking a little yellow. So I put those plant food spikes in it and it greened up out near the ends but not near the center. Isn't that odd?


I'm Rick James #####!
Pete said:
Good for them.

I have a plant in my office and it started looking a little yellow. So I put those plant food spikes in it and it greened up out near the ends but not near the center. Isn't that odd?

Very odd, I'd go back and read the instructions on those spikes if I were you.
Pete said:
Good for them.

I have a plant in my office and it started looking a little yellow. So I put those plant food spikes in it and it greened up out near the ends but not near the center. Isn't that odd?

Hmmm, have you tried watering the plant?


Yo Gabba Gabba
rack'm said:
ya'll are making a mockery of a very important thread.......:tantrum
I'll take it seriously. No one alive today was a slave or owned slaves. Get the eff over it already. I'll be damned if I'm going to apologize to someone that I've never harmed.


Speedy70 said:
Hmmm, have you tried watering the plant?
Yes, twice a week. It is a "succulent". I never knew that but some chick down the hall stopped in to admire it and said that is what it was. I just like saying "succulent". :shrug: