Annapolis to California Commute?


New Member
Anybody do that commute? I'll be moving to the Annapolis region shortly and I work right across the TJ bridge. Is that commute rough?
Gwydion said:
Anybody do that commute? I'll be moving to the Annapolis region shortly and I work right across the TJ bridge. Is that commute rough?
We have one guy here at Pax that does that. He doesn't seem to mind enough to move. Been doing it for years! I'd say it's better than going the other way.


New Member
Gwydion said:
Anybody do that commute? I'll be moving to the Annapolis region shortly and I work right across the TJ bridge. Is that commute rough?
I did that commute when I first moved here. It is not a bad commute but it is a boring one!!!


Come Play at BigWoodys
really depends on which part of Annapolis. Rt. 2 sucks and is long LOL. I think the guy in my office says its almost 2 hrs to drive.

dia look

New Member
It is 1 hour and 15 minutes in the morning from CRE near the airport to Annapolis by the mall. it is about 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon. Trust me, been doing it for 2 and a half years :) (some violation of the posted speed limits may have transpired, or may not have, depending on your views on law enforcement) :whistle:


New Member
Thanks for your replies guys/gals.

dia look said:
It is 1 hour and 15 minutes in the morning from CRE near the airport to Annapolis by the mall. it is about 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon. Trust me, been doing it for 2 and a half years :) (some violation of the posted speed limits may have transpired, or may not have, depending on your views on law enforcement) :whistle:

It sounds like you are going from Annapolis to California in the morning then the other way around in the afternoon. Do you think that it is similar times going the opposite ways at the same time?

dia look

New Member
should be, about the same number of cars each way in the afternoon, in the mornings may be a bit quicker, but hard to get a much faster time in the morning without really asking for a ticket. :)

not sure where you are starting from in California, probably add 5 minutes on to that time to get to and from the bridge.


dia look said:
It is 1 hour and 15 minutes in the morning from CRE near the airport to Annapolis by the mall. it is about 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon. Trust me, been doing it for 2 and a half years :) (some violation of the posted speed limits may have transpired, or may not have, depending on your views on law enforcement) :whistle:

i live by the CRE airport, i can get to annapolis mall in 50 mins hour tops...hmm

dia look

New Member
my best time is 1 hour 2 minutes, but I will admit, I don't do 80, 19mph over the speed limit is as fast as I will ever go, well, unless I am passing someone, or rocking out to a good song, or running late, or etc etc etc etc :)


New Member
Route 2 can be an adventure sometimes when you get forced to do 50 because of a school bus or blue haired old lady. There are very few areas for passing so sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.

There are also a couple of nasty intersections (in the sense of a lot of crashes, nearly weekly) along Rt. 2 near the AA/Calvert line so despite the boring factor, you do have to keep alert.


New Member
I know this is an incredibly old "bump", but after an extra 6 months, I will finally be moving to Annapolis. I will be staying at Regatta Bay apartments, which is literally right next to the annapolis mall. I have driven to and from there a few times to try and test the average time it will take me. It is exactly 60 miles to the bridge (64 miles from work) and I can get to work in exactly 68 minutes. Not bad. The drive back after work (so during traffic) takes about an hour and 15 minutes, still not bad.

But I would like to skip as much of Rt 2 as possible in the afternoon, as it seems that around the time I leave, there is quite a bit of traffic. Does anybody know of any other routes to take? I am looking at taking 4 farther, then cutting back over and picking 2 up about another 11-13 miles farther down...but it might not seem worth it.



Well-Known Member
Gwydion said:
I know this is an incredibly old "bump", but after an extra 6 months, I will finally be moving to Annapolis. I will be staying at Regatta Bay apartments, which is literally right next to the annapolis mall. I have driven to and from there a few times to try and test the average time it will take me. It is exactly 60 miles to the bridge (64 miles from work) and I can get to work in exactly 68 minutes. Not bad. The drive back after work (so during traffic) takes about an hour and 15 minutes, still not bad.

But I would like to skip as much of Rt 2 as possible in the afternoon, as it seems that around the time I leave, there is quite a bit of traffic. Does anybody know of any other routes to take? I am looking at taking 4 farther, then cutting back over and picking 2 up about another 11-13 miles farther down...but it might not seem worth it.


Rt. 4 to 301 N, then take Rt. 50 E to the Parole exit, drops you right off at the Mall. Of course, you are going to have to deal with the "gaunlet" that is Rt. 301!

Good Luck with move and enjoy Nap-Town, fun place!


New Member
Gwydion said:
I know this is an incredibly old "bump", but after an extra 6 months, I will finally be moving to Annapolis. I will be staying at Regatta Bay apartments, which is literally right next to the annapolis mall. I have driven to and from there a few times to try and test the average time it will take me. It is exactly 60 miles to the bridge (64 miles from work) and I can get to work in exactly 68 minutes. Not bad. The drive back after work (so during traffic) takes about an hour and 15 minutes, still not bad.

But I would like to skip as much of Rt 2 as possible in the afternoon, as it seems that around the time I leave, there is quite a bit of traffic. Does anybody know of any other routes to take? I am looking at taking 4 farther, then cutting back over and picking 2 up about another 11-13 miles farther down...but it might not seem worth it.

Sometimes to relieve the boredom, I will continue up RT4 to 258 or 259??? and that will bring you into the roundabout on RT2. If I remember correctly, it's 2 miles longer and if everything is normal, it's almost the same amount of time BUT any fender bender can screw up RT2 for hours so it is more reliable.


Well-Known Member
Charles said:
Sometimes to relieve the boredom, I will continue up RT4 to 258 or 259??? and that will bring you into the roundabout on RT2. If I remember correctly, it's 2 miles longer and if everything is normal, it's almost the same amount of time BUT any fender bender can screw up RT2 for hours so it is more reliable.
thats about the only one that really works out for you (or is even close) that i know of. Your best bet to find it is to take the exit from the cicrle just before the 2 south exit (when you are heading towards PF) and follow that road to waysons corner, then take 4 south.

Doesn't really save you anything. I would just work on my patience


New Member
Thanks for the replies. The one I was refering to is the one Charles mentioned. Might not be a bad idea, if it gets me off 2 for 10 minutes, its worth it, in my opinion.

Airgasm, I'll have to give that a try. It looks significantly longer, but if I can mantain higher mph, it might be worth it.

Thanks again!


New Member
One time, from Annapolis, I took Riva road instead of Route 2. It went over the smaller bridge over the South River and then I eventually came to a fork in the road and swung left. This took me down to Central Avenue which I crossed, went through some really narrow roads, and then boom, I was out on Route 2 about 2 miles south of Central Avenue.

The other option was to take Riva to Central, then Central to Davidsonville Road, then left and that will eventually lead back to Route 2 as well.

These aren't really time savers--they are more of 'avoiding the stop lights on Route 2' or 'Change of scenery' options.

(I know you are looking for the reverse directions but if you do it from Annapolis you'll know how to find it on the way back).

Good luck


Cleopatra Jones
penguin6 said:
One time, from Annapolis, I took Riva road instead of Route 2. It went over the smaller bridge over the South River and then I eventually came to a fork in the road and swung left. This took me down to Central Avenue which I crossed, went through some really narrow roads, and then boom, I was out on Route 2 about 2 miles south of Central Avenue.

The other option was to take Riva to Central, then Central to Davidsonville Road, then left and that will eventually lead back to Route 2 as well.

These aren't really time savers--they are more of 'avoiding the stop lights on Route 2' or 'Change of scenery' options.

(I know you are looking for the reverse directions but if you do it from Annapolis you'll know how to find it on the way back).

Good luck

Good Lord! Where in the hell have you been?