Anne Arundel County Council confirms new police chief Amal Awad, passes agritourism legislation


Well-Known Member
A new era is upon us.
White/and or liberal county executives, Mayors, City Councils struggle with the pandemic, rising crime rates, high unemployment, BLM, Antifa, de funding Police. Tough times for sure. Most Police Chiefs are abandoning their positions because they are in a lose/lose position, left alone, being attacked, endangering their families.

Anne Arundel County Police has been a revolving door of Chiefs, three or 4 since 2014. The current interim Chief was from an adjoining County.

Stuart Pittman, the County Executive, felt the current Chief with 40 years of experience in Vice Narcotics, a Special Ops Commander wasn't diverse enough, so, he chose a very diverse POC, an outspoken lesbian. Looks like she "passed the agritourism legislation".. Thats important I guess. Votes votes votes...