Coulter offered a characteristically cutting response. "Well, at least now they're trying to be funny, a welcome change from all the vomiting and fainting after the election season," she told us by e-mail. Then the author blasted back a list of potential titles for her next tome: </NITF>
<NITF>"Tuesdays With Morons."</NITF>
<NITF>"The Five People You Meet in Line at the Welfare Office."</NITF>
<NITF>"It Takes a Village to Raise a Kid With A.D.H.D., Rage Issues, and an Eating Disorder."</NITF>
<NITF>"Their Eyes Were Watching God and Banning Him From Public Schools."</NITF>
<NITF>"The Dan Rather Code."</NITF>
<NITF>"He's Just Not That Into Jews: The George Soros Story."</NITF>