Anonymous Nose Hair Email Notification Service


Lawful neutral

Some people hesitate to approach people and inform them that they should trim their nose hairs. Why? I have no idea. It appears to be some weird social taboo about commenting on other people's body hair. But now it's not necessary to speak up. Chololi, the nose hair email notification service, will send an anonymous message to someone who needs a reminder.



Some people hesitate to approach people and inform them that they should trim their nose hairs. Why? I have no idea. It appears to be some weird social taboo about commenting on other people's body hair. But now it's not necessary to speak up. Chololi, the nose hair email notification service, will send an anonymous message to someone who needs a reminder.

I actually think that this is a great service. :lmao:
How I choose to groom myself is up to me and I don't need someone dictating to me how I should do things.

If I got one of those emails, I'd probably let it grow out even more, get some mustache wax and do it up right just to spite someone. Even make it a point to wave it in their faces.


Active Member
I am one to come up to a perfect stranger to tactfully tell them their zipper is down, etc. One hot summer afternoon, a Patient walked in my Office with a tail of toilet papper stringing along behind her. I noticed other's snickering about it. I called her back, and told her it was there. She was SO embarraced, and told me she had been to other stores, and nobody said one thing. If I have something hanging out my nose, or my zipper is down...I hope someone tells me.


Hot Flash

I found my nose hair thingie yesterday and hope I will not get an email.


The things we ladies have to do. :drama: