Another crap Monday morning...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...OK, who's the idiot that said Gibbs would fix all the little errors this team has been making for the last 10 years or so?


The thing that makes it tougher to deal with is we've clearly been the better team on the field, every week.

We're falling into the 'try to hard' trap now. Gibbs doesn't need no damn expert calling for challenges, he needs a beer drinking fan, somebody who is watching the game and not trying to overanalyze everything.

He doesn't need Brunnel standing there trying to call the 'perfect play'. That was a problem last year. Just line up and run a damn play and let the playmakers do their thing and let the whole team get into the game instead of thinking about everything so damn much.

Well, it's 'only' three loses and we got a calk walk coming up v. the flightless Ravens...


Nothing to see here
All is well, do not panic. Stay the course. Give it time. Its always darkest before sunrise. It doesn't hurt to be optimistic, you can always cry later. In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip. Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

My pain is self-chosen.


b*tch rocket
otter said:
All is well, do not panic. Stay the course. Give it time. Its always darkest before sunrise. It doesn't hurt to be optimistic, you can always cry later. In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip. Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

My pain is self-chosen.

That was very moving Otter. :bawl: :huggy:


I have no idea what in the He!! Otter is talking about but this Monday morning coaching is a riot! :banana:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I should delete that post - Larry might spousal abuse me when he sees it. :lol:
He should.

The first season Gibbs was coach didn't he start off 0-4? If so this is like a 25% improvement (a little optimism for Otter).


Nothing to see here
Ken King said:
He should.

The first season Gibbs was coach didn't he start off 0-4? If so this is like a 25% improvement (a little optimism for Otter).

Was 0-5 before finishing up at 8-8...All will be fine, only worry I have is Gibbs' health(pointed out by several people in different threads).

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is the bottom. The problem with the 0-5 analogy is that in Gibbs first year there were signs of improvement each week until they started winning.

This year, they started off great and save for Brunnels fumble for a touchdown and the bad call when he made that first and goal the refs didn't give him, the Bucs game would have been a blow out.

The Giants game was just one of those 'wheels coming off' days where EVERYTHING went wrong.

Dallas, well, they know they got robbed for 14 points and if you look at the replay there is a case to be made that Roy Williams lead with his helmet (personal foul) on the last play tackling Gardner which would have given them a shot at an easy field goal and overtime.

Cleveland I just can't make any excuses.

Like I said before, winning in the NFL is extremely hard and a few plays make the difference and it's Gibbs history for the offense to start slow.

Now's the time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry got our middle daughter all freaked out because he told her that if the Skins didn't win the last game before the elections, that meant Bush wouldn't win either. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
The USA Today had this take on the game:

"The Redskins (1-3) can pin their third straight loss on going just 1-for-11 on third downs, mental mistakes and a costly fumble by Clinton Portis on the first play after halftime that allowed Cleveland to quickly tie it.

"My fumble changed the momentum," Portis said. "All of a sudden, we lost control of the game."

Mark Brunell couldn't get it back as Washington's offense sputtered again behind its new quarterback. Brunell finished 17-of-38 for 192 yards, but was unable to get into any rhythm because Cleveland's defense shut down Portis and the Washington coach's headsets and sideline phones were malfunctioning."


New Member

Okay now hear me out, I am a Boys fan, but even before being a Boys fan I am a football fan. Larry you threw things out there saying that the skins got cheated out of basically 17 points huh. Well I agree with 7 of them, but at the same time I disagree with the fact that they were the better team on the field that day. The problem with the skins lies deeper than a few players, and deeper than the coach. It starts with the most important ones of all, THE FANS. Skins fans have got to be the most coward like fans in football. As soon as their team is down by 10 points, they think the game is over. I have now been to a couple of Cowboys vs Redskins games in a row. And everytime it is the same thing, come the third quater I hear the fans going 'I guess we are gonna lose another one', and then they get up by the thousands and walk out. All of the drunken butt munchers that left last monday missed one heck of a finish. I enjoyed the game (except the bad calls), and really enjoy seeing frustration on the faces of those that think they are untouchable. You know something was said to me during the game by a man that I sat next too. He said that the Skins fans of today don't know what it means to love their team. He said that he wished they had half of the enthusiasm as the Boys, Eagles, Raiders, and Packers fans have. This coming from a man who has had season tickets to Redskins football for 40+ years and has missed one home game. So maybe you need to be preaching to the fans and make them see that first they need to believe in their team.

God bless you all and good luck with the rest of the season.


Dancing Up A Storm
On the other hand, this is what The Washington Times had to say about Sundays' debacle:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=twt-text1 vAlign=top>"The Washington Redskins have come on like a bad cold </I>— first with a tickle in the throat, then with a few aches in the morning, and finally with some run-to-the-commode nausea. Yesterday's loss to the lowly Cleveland Browns has the nation's capital in a full-fledged huggin'-porcelain mode."

Switching to the right hand, you'll also be aware of the fact that the NY Giants won their game!

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=twt-title1 height=6>

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dear Truth...

...I appreciate your concern but you're talking about a societal issue, the instant gratification mindset. Before Tuna showed up, Texas stadium before kick off and after 1/2 time was pretty empty.

You can't argue about the bad calls. There was no interference on the Redskins and there was on da Boys. 14 points.

Fed Ex has many problems and the traffic nightmare is one of them. It holds too many corporate seats (club level) filled with people who'd rather sit in the cigar bar than watch the game.