True ADA requires this but the list of codes is immense. This particular law suit had nothing to do with accessability and all about being an ass and hoping for some quick jingle. Handicapped parking spot not labeled correctly? Sign hung in the worng place? OK, I could see the faucets too high, but at least notify the owner before scurrying off and xeroxing off your legal complaint and fillig in the name of the newest dupe.
It costs that small business owner $2200 to finght the lawsuit, but probably less than $100 to fix the discrepancies once he knew what they are. This guy doesn't give a flip about furthering disabled peoples access, he only cares about scaring the small business owner out of a quick settlement to split with his shyster lawyer.
People bad-mouth Walmart and it maybe warranted with regards to employee relations, but one thing that Walmart does is in NEVER settles torts, it fights them to the end. Walmart has the cash and an army of lawyers on the books, mom and pop don't. This is outragious.