Another Knave of the Week


Well-Known Member
Every week The Washington Times publishes a Nobles and Knaves of the week.

I have a candidate for them.

St. Mary's College offered a memorial service on Friday afternoon for the victims at Va Tech. I went to the college to attend. The only parking lot I could find not requiring a parking permit was closed because of a wedding in the Trinity Espiscopal Church. The sign specifically stated no parking for the Va Tech Memorial Service.

My vote for the knave of the week is Trinity Espiscopal Church in St. Mary's City for anything but a Christian attitude.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
blacklabman said:
My vote for the knave of the week is Trinity Espiscopal Church in St. Mary's City for anything but a Christian attitude.
If they'd opened up the parking lot to the people coming for the memorial, then where would the wedding guests park?


Well-Known Member
There is a parking lot inside the gated entrance to the church. The lot I am referring to is down about 100 yards from the gated entrance to the church. Between the two, there should have been more than enough spaces to accommodate everybody.