Another Reason Not to Support Edwards



Edwards was on Fox News Sunday, and Chris Wallace was asking him about his shifting attitudes IRT Iraq. Edwards defended his decision to vote against the 87 billion is additional spending, and when Wallace asked him if his vote had been the tyebreaker, would he have still voted against it he said "yes." Wallace, more than a bit incredulous, then asked "so you would have made what in effect would have been a no-confidence vote against your President, during a time of war?" Edwards didn't even think about the question being asked of him, he just started spouting off with his rhetoric. I doubt that Edwards had any clue what significance there would be in a no-confidence vote against a sitting President during war time. What a putz.


What happened to all of Iraq's oil wealth? The Dems took that off the table when they tried to paint the Republicans as just wanting to invade Iraq to get the oil. Now there's no way for the US to get it's hands on any oil money without suffering claims of robbing the Iraqis. Once again, the Dems preferred short-term political gain to the strategic interests of the US.