Another Right Wingnut Commits Suicide.............


Ubi bene ibi patria
Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

"A poster at Free Republic has discovered that a right-wing blogger named Ronald Barbour committed suicide on February 19. Barbour announced the planned suicide in a blog entry posted at his website on February 17. He said that the suicide would be to protest America's failure to oppose the spread of Islam. Barbour's views on what to do about Islam, as shown in another article of his below, were basically the same as my own: get Muslims out of the West, confine them to their own lands (he called his policy "quarantine" rather than "separationism"), and use military force to destroy any dangerous Islamic regimes but without occupying any Muslim countries. In addition to quarantining Islam as I would do, Barbour also, following the more hard-line position of David Yerushalmi of SANE, wanted to destroy Islam by destroying every sharia regime, whether or not it directly threatened us. Strikingly, Barbour understood that the problem is not terrorism, and the problem is not jihad, the problem is sharia. He said that any sharia-believing Muslim should be made to leave the U.S.

According to a badly written and confusing article in the March 5, 2000 Florida Today, Barbour served a four year federal prison sentence in the 1990s for threatening and planning to assassinate President Clinton by shooting him as he jogged in Washington D.C. The article says that Barbour was innocent and was set up by the Secret Service. "

Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

Ronald Barbour Webpage: The Freedom Fighter's Journal


New Member
Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

"A poster at Free Republic has discovered that a right-wing blogger named Ronald Barbour committed suicide on February 19. Barbour announced the planned suicide in a blog entry posted at his website on February 17. He said that the suicide would be to protest America's failure to oppose the spread of Islam. Barbour's views on what to do about Islam, as shown in another article of his below, were basically the same as my own: get Muslims out of the West, confine them to their own lands (he called his policy "quarantine" rather than "separationism"), and use military force to destroy any dangerous Islamic regimes but without occupying any Muslim countries. In addition to quarantining Islam as I would do, Barbour also, following the more hard-line position of David Yerushalmi of SANE, wanted to destroy Islam by destroying every sharia regime, whether or not it directly threatened us. Strikingly, Barbour understood that the problem is not terrorism, and the problem is not jihad, the problem is sharia. He said that any sharia-believing Muslim should be made to leave the U.S.

According to a badly written and confusing article in the March 5, 2000 Florida Today, Barbour served a four year federal prison sentence in the 1990s for threatening and planning to assassinate President Clinton by shooting him as he jogged in Washington D.C. The article says that Barbour was innocent and was set up by the Secret Service. "

Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

Ronald Barbour Webpage: The Freedom Fighter's Journal

i think we should encourage all the right wingers who think that islam is taking over the world to follow this idiots lead..........


We're all mad here.
"I have no doubt the Leftist Media will spin my death as that of an insane man with few options left in life who killed himself in desperation. In fact, the objective investigator will notice no signs of depression on my part the last months of my life. I would describe myself as an idealist. I know this is a personality strange to many people who would say such a person is "unusual" or "crazy" or "a bit off." The fact of the matter is that the actions of many people that were described as heroic happened because they were idealists who chose death rather than selling out what they hold to be sacred."

Sad...obviously a very ill man...I'm sure that not only the "leftist media" feels this way.


New Member
"“Live for nothing or die for something. Your call.”"

Hahahaha what a toolbag. Thank god he's dead and gone and can't spew his crap anymore. I wish more idiots would do the same.

And haha at nobody even commenting on his suicide note.



New Member
So I tried to make a comment:

"Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval. "

Hhahahaaha. Rot in hell dude, rot in hell.

The best part of this was, as he was falling you KNOW he was thinking "Ah man, this probably wasn't my best idea"



Ubi bene ibi patria
Loon Report

Another Right Wingnut... 02-27-2008 08:57 AM Taking joy in a sick guy commiting suicide. You are pathetic.


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i think we should encourage all the right wingers who think that islam is taking over the world to follow this idiots lead..........

Get out much? You'll make a nice little dhimmi.

A female suicide bomber. "She is not going to be the last because the march of resistance will continue until the Islamic flag is raised, not only over the minarets of Jerusalem, but over the whole universe." Dr. Mahmud Al-Zahar, Hamas leader in Gaza, Associated Press, January 15, 2004


New Member
Personnally i think NHboy reached a new low with this one ,and then I see he brought his liberal cheering section with him. You know the liberals who "feel" your pain?


i think we should encourage all the right wingers who think that islam is taking over the world to follow this idiots lead..........

I think that anyone who disagrees with me on any issue should drink a drano cocktail.

And if they won't do it voluntarily, they should be shot in the ####ing face.

Either way works for me.


New Member
Personnally i think NHboy reached a new low with this one ,and then I see he brought his liberal cheering section with him. You know the liberals who "feel" your pain?

Nhboy didn't do anything besides post a story.

And I am not happy that a "right wing" person died. I am happy that a complete idiot that was spreading hate across an entire people is dead.

Much the same way I wish the muslim extremist would all just go jump off a tall building.

Either way, there is a huge speculation over the validity of this entire story. There is no REAL news site reporting on this, just a bunch of craptacular websites. The best back-up is that a guy by the author's name died in chicago....yet the author of the website lives in Florida. Not only that, but the person who died lived behind an entire family and was mid-age, while the author was supposedly just some idiot 20 year old.

Altogether, in my opinion, this was a desperate attempt to get people to read his disgusting blog. Guess it worked.