Another SuperSpreader Protest


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My point is that Republicans ignore Maryland because they consider us dead territory due to so many Democrats who get elected here.
Hopefully if we all vote against Steny he can be retired before he dies in office.
There aren't enough Reps in the 5th District to do that. Many Dems would have to stay home.


If I may ...
If I may ...

My point is that Republicans ignore Maryland because they consider us dead territory due to so many Democrats who get elected here. Hopefully if we all vote against Steny he can be retired before he dies in office.
Too true. Even republican Congressional candidates rarely make an appearance. And after an election, are usually given a cushy job, (because they lost), with the State, if a republican is in the Governor's chair, or, hired by a friendly-to-the-party business.