Another Taser Killing


Harley Rider
The thread should read "Another Taser Death"
You're right, but that wouldn't allow for nhboy's bias to shine through.:lmao:
Here is another case for reinstating the height & weight requirements for Police MEN. Then they could have used their strength and possibly gave the offender a "wood shampoo" like they used to before the bleeding heart liberals started to interfere in Police work. If he would have cooperated with the officer's command this wouldn't have happened. The good news; he won't do it again. People need to realize that the Police put their lives in danger every day, for us, and they have to be ready for anyone at anytime to turn and pull a knife or gun on them. It makes them very skittish at times. Yes there are bad judgment calls from time to time but these are rare. I've done ride alongs many times and I know how I felt when I got out of the car with the Officer. Put yourself in their place, watch the show "cops" more often to see how it is in the real world AND LET THE COPS DO THEIR JOB! In the normal course of Police work there will be these casualties. I love how the BIASED media :loser: NEVER once took the side of the Officer.


Lovin' being Texican
I am betting the autopsy shows the kid died because of the traffic accident and not the legal application of a legal electronic device by an authorized officer of the State law enforcement agency.