Another violent criminal...


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Staff member
PREMO Member
I just saw that. They ought to let the old man go. Sheesh!

Too bad he missed. :frown:


Not dead yet.
Just about the dumbest thing I've heard today. Obviously this old man is a threat to society at large with his handgun.:rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is what gun...

...control is all about.

An old man has BROKEN the law defending himself while the issue is presented as stopping REAL criminals from assaulting you!

This robber knew his odds are much better if the old guy isn't suppossed to be able to defend himself.

Perp: "Lemme see, can't rob nobody with my handgun. THAT would be illegal!"

Pop: "Lemme see, can't defend myself from the bad guy. That would be illegal."

The odds here...???