Anti-violence ad gone too far??

Is the ad too "violent"?

  • Went too far

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Didn't go far enough

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Just enough without going over the line

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Throwing the deuces
They are calling it a "shock ad" but maybe it will shock somebody into getting away from their abuser.


What say you??
(wait for the poll)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I like it. Not sure you can go too far when it comes to public awareness about domestic violence. It's nothing more than you'd see in a movie anyway.


I like it. Not sure you can go too far when it comes to public awareness about domestic violence. It's nothing more than you'd see in a movie anyway.

:yeahthat: It could have been much worse actually.


New Member
I don't think the ad goes too far, but I just don't see what it accomplishes.
Personally, all it does is bring back some memories from my "past life". That video looked a lot like my ex-husband and I on any given night.
So, maybe I'm blinded by that when I see the ad... can't really see what else an ad like that can do.
I think if I had seen something like that while I was going through it ... Maybe i would have gotten even more deppressed to think that there are more monsters like that in this world. Don't know if it would have helped me in any way.
I do wonder what kind of effect it has on a person that hasn't been through it.


In My Opinion
just as much right to be shown as the abortion ads that show ripped up babies.

basically, its not so much a question as if the commercial has gone to far as it might be in question if society has dropped so low as to make that commercial ok.


New Member
What a stupid ad.
The clear message is there is no solution except for ads like this, educating
enough women to recognize the situation and hopefully extricate themselves before the beating starts, providing she survives.
Of course we need more govt funding!! to get the word out.
All complete bullsh*t.
What the ad should have done was have her pull out her .38 special and
DEFENDED herself. A perfectly legal(and appropriate) response. But we can't have that now can we. After all, this monster wouldn't be free to do it again to some other victim and our funding would all dry up.
We truly have become a "nation of cowards"

Read this excellent report!
A Nation of Cowards
What a stupid ad.
The clear message is there is no solution except for ads like this, educating
enough women to recognize the situation and hopefully extricate themselves before the beating starts, providing she survives.
Of course we need more govt funding!! to get the word out.
All complete bullsh*t.
What the ad should have done was have her pull out her .38 special and
DEFENDED herself. A perfectly legal(and appropriate) response. But we can't have that now can we. After all, this monster wouldn't be free to do it again to some other victim and our funding would all dry up.
We truly have become a "nation of cowards"

Read this excellent report!
A Nation of Cowards

Yep, it could be turned into a nice right to concealed carry law ad.


curiouser and curiouser
It's a British ad, is it even running in the US (aside from being featured on the news)?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What the ad should have done was have her pull out her .38 special and
DEFENDED herself.

Now THAT would have been an excellent commercial! She comes in, he starts after her, she pulls a pistol out of her purse and BAM! :yay:

"Violent predators...they're not always strangers."


New Member
The fact that the camera pulls back and it shows a movie or tv set kinda takes the "reality" out of it to me. I think two things. 1. It didn't depict the true violence that happens in homes all over the world on a daily basis, it definatly would be worse than what was shown. 2. I'm not sure I agree with showing it at all in commercial form. Although like someone else said you see worse violence in your average movie. Maybe alot of the things we watch are too violent and we have become desensitized to this sort of thing. I don't know...I get trying to raise awareness but I think most people are well aware of domestic violence. What we need are better laws to protect victims and better enforcement of those laws. And maybe more concerned citizens stepping in to help. But I know that alot of times people don't want to get involved for fear of making it worse or for fear of their own lives. Its sad and I hope someday there are better answers and solutions to this problem.